I was getting very frustrated by the male-dominated punditry about the election, and very little space being given to women, and the rage that so many of us feel right now. So I wrote something: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/11/musk-trump-men-election-results-misogyny-sexism/
Just look around when in traffic. In almost every car with a hetero couple, the MAN is driving.
My hubz likes to nap, so I drive & notice how rare this is. Insurance stats show women are safer drivers, so what's up other than misogyny?
A woman for President? Right.
We have work to do with our skinfolk and with those who did NOT vote but consider themselves liberal.
I didn't know until I heard it from her that the white majority has NEVER backed Democrats in a national election since the Civil Rights era. The Southern Strategy has worked for the GOP for 75 years and counting.
“All Men are created equal”
Our tears are not over a lost election. They a result of the harsh realization that half of the country just told us money is more important than our rights, our lives and those of our daughters.
A huge percentage of white women voted for Don the Con.
We have huge swaths of conservative women making policies to harm women. Ask cleta Mitchell and Hawley's POS wife.
Great piece. TY
Thank you for speaking the truth
We need to address misogynoir, ageism, why 80% of White Evangelicals voted for Trump, and why our nation embraces anti-intellectualism.
College gives women independence from their trapped homes. It broadens their worldview.
Same for others ofc. But more than any group, society benefits from educating WW.
That's something, even as a rural southerner, I'm just struggling to understand.
so happy to be off !
I think a percentage of those that did vote for him are likely ignorant or naturally bad people.
Another group of Trump voters have been indoctrinated by Right-Wing media.
However, whilst I wish the author no ill - I'd like someone to explain this?
“Women are suspicious, guarded, and apoplectic, knowing that some in our families or neighborhoods voted us back into second-class status.”
This is false. Women have always had second class status. We are not in the Constitution. Even the 14th amend. precludes us.
I voted for Harris. It's no special honor to be sane in a mad world. I just don't vote with my dick-insecurity.