Got my family Christmas gifts last night and this one is what will get me through 2025
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I esp do cottage farms, artist lofts, & fantasy basements. 😇
(I was once killed by a meteorite while painting)
I have a first-gen Mac Mini (on 10.4), and it was my first foray into playing with older Apple machines in the modern day. It's a fun hobby; these days I mainly play on my iBook (OS 9.1).
What version of OS X are you on, and what other games have you been playing?
I can't think of it off the top my head, I think Tiger? Whatever it is it's the last OS that was backwards compatible with 9 and under.
I've got a little stack of games like American McGee's Alice, CoD1, and some edutainment games. Mostly stuff I had as a kid
(But, of course, nothing beats HE's Junior Adventures.)
And yeah, it'd be Tiger!
We should exchange gamerecs from time to time!!
But 2 has a special place in my heart for being the one I played the most.
Yeah I have special memories linked to getting 2. It was the first game I bought with my own money and I remember playing it for like 20 hours straight that first day lol