So Fox News is starting to run primetime hit pieces on us, in their primetime and late night spots, in response to the Texas “FURRIES” bill.. and they are obviously filled with misinformation and “fringe” stereotypes.
Sounding the alarm now as I fear the 🎯 is on our back.
Sounding the alarm now as I fear the 🎯 is on our back.
1. Fabricating an issue
2. Selling a solution
3. Mocking the fabricated issue.
If folks read the actual law, its absolutely insane. K-12 can get expelled for making animal noises.
Unfortunately the gross majority of furs are upset by firearms and trained against self reliance.
Surprisingly, the article itself is fairly straight, pointing out even the litter box in schools bit was a complete falsehood; and talked about the bill and education impacts.
But pictures in the article are all from cons, showing fursuits
(Hi, I'm the face they've been using for their stupidity 👋)
I also thought "damn that is an awesome looking fursuit"
Moment you try to ban something it only draws more attention to it.
Unfortunately the parents will likely side against their kids and punish them at home too
Always have a spotter when not in con space and try to pair up if traveling with badges, shirts, gear.
❤️ y’all.
They will never accept our community because we are so inherently queer and accepting of most people.
Don't let the fear of what others think rule how you live your life.
Can't do anything gay because that makes Sky Daddy sad 😢
I know who I am far better now and am happier for it.
I can imagine the wave of subscribers from the conservative party already
I wouldn’t be surprised to see some sort of press coverage though.
As far as unwanted media and content creators, boy I hope people don't engage and report them to con staff
Don't engage if you can. Otherwise remain civil and dont play into their narrative.
This isn't a new thing it's just a return to form.
Just another slow news day.
Only thing I remember happening to me is being talked to about my collar and ears a few times in school.
“While Saving Wildcats may have misunderstood the sinister interest groups that attend furry conventions, they must immediately cut ties with this event." - Marion Calder, Co-Director, For Women Scotland.
We need #furry Kobold News for completely unbiased and truthful #yips and #yaps with segments such as "Is Bad dragon bad?" and "Who's the goodest boi? You are! You are!"
#kobold #opinion #dragon #canine #news
Always be yourself. We are who we are and I love us for it. ❤️🐭
Let kids be kids.
Let parents be parents.
they're the equivalent of the gays against groomers shitfucks in terms of wanting to be included while propping up hate, targeting, and fascism
1) Do not talk to the press. If you find press inside the conspace, report them to con security. The only press ALLOWED in conspace will be escorted by con staff.
2) Conbadges are called "Mug Me Badges" outside of conspace. It shows you have cash $$$ could REALLY expound on this, since he's the one I learned this from. <3
I will never forget the mods openly saying that false stories and misinformation are okay "as long as they push the narrative"
I mean, since when does forbidding something harmless make kids not want to do it?
They just turned furry fandom into something FORBIDDEN and EXOTIC.
Then again, furries are the best at porn and waifus, so who knows.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if this mints countless new furries, especially with this showing that something fun is now verboten.
I love my weird and kinky and oddball furry friends and will protect them forever.
You don't have to be into "weirder" stuff to want to protect the people who are.
As an example, ask any groupchat of furries “What was a major contributor to why Rainfurrest collapsed”
But then again I’ve only met like 3 who were on the way far right and they were 100% fucked.
I hope to god this community isnt targeted.
At the very least resist this slander!
or a trump rally
anything that deviates from those is bad.