DJT signed EO imposing steep costs on parties seeking to block his policies in court. DOJ lawyers must now ask judges to require plaintiffs to pay gov’s costs and damages if it’s forced to hold off on a policy that’s ultimately found to be lawful. The money would need to be posted up front as a bond
Trump is taking his lifelong approach to the Federal Government and Republicans are CO-CONSPIRATORS!💯
The irony of him wanting to be paid upfront 🙄
a) No judge will enforce it. They will laugh at a DOJ “memo”
b) Trump’s reaching into his wish list of life long being sued. It shows sign of a weakening grip and desperation.
c) This is when a narcissist gets desperate and throughs tantrums. Inevitable erratic mistakes
I wouldn't assume he can't do it. He's already done a lot that people assumed impossible.
Even before then, one aim of this is to stifle challenges preemptively, and it will.
When are we going to be taken seriously that this is not ok?
Who's pulling the strings in government? Who's really in control?
And I doubt it's Elon.
The lawyers in the WH are shit.
His folks surely are creative.
or here, here's a Cornell write up using the language of the constitution, which expressly forbids this shit
cant even pay his own bills, begged for payment plan w/ EJC case,
Broke ssa bih!!
But wanna hide behind govt & beat his chest..
We ALL deserve 5... no make that 15 good mins..EACH.. with him!! 👊🏾