It’s all for his base of morons. Most of them have never been to Canada, know nothing about Canada, and never gave us a second thought one way or another. He’s pounding out the constant lies to condition them to hate us.
Over quota tariffs prevent the US from flooding the CND market to protect domestic industry. 2023 CND exported 13.5 mill$ milk to and imported 65 mill$ milk from the US. Cnd buys more from the US to fill production shortfalls. Its asymmetrical in US favor. 241% tariff is never triggered. Just chaos
And the rest of the world shall stand strong with Canada 🍁🇨🇦! And we shall ally with Canada, trade with Canada and pick up all the slack the US has left behind.
The US doesn’t know what it’s giving up. Canada is literally the best ally anyone could hope for. This whole thing is just beyond stupid. But this is the moment new alliances are forged.
He's got the attention span of a ferret on a double espresso. Tomorrow he'll make an executive decision to do away with all windmills before then deciding to invade Easter Island because their lawn ornaments upstage his at Mar a Lago. What do you expect from an abhorrent sociopathic nut job.
This is all just part of the P25 agenda; they want to control everything, they want corporate farming. They want to sell off all out lands to their rich counterparts in other countries. FFS this is what the dillhole couch boys job is. You can bet he has a "coach" or dozens...
I'm done with this dumbass. His numbers are tanking everywhere. We will tank them further with our shopping habits. He won't take us by economic force nor by military force no matter how obsessed he is with us
You know what he is why does everybody always act oblivious to what his objective is? He thinks if he can bully Canada enough he can annex them and invade. He’s like a toddler that’s not getting the toys the other kids have all he does is make up lies to try to steal their toys
Canada labels dairy products with a blue square identifier allowing consumers to choose products from Canadian farms, if they so choose. There are still dairy products without the blue identifier. Tariffs haven't stopped the flow of American dairy into Canada. So, what's he complaining about?
I think I’m starting to understand the plan now—he wants to change the borders. He no longer recognizes the 1908 treaty, the one that precisely established the USA-Canada border, and he wants to ‘revise’ it. The Russians and the Chinese are nudging each other in satisfaction.
He's obsessed with any successful country/business/person who operates successfully. His compulsive behaviour demands he try to steal it, and when that fails, he will destroy it.
What he’s not realizing is that, after the way he’s treated us, tariffs or no tariffs, Canadians won’t buy American milk, butter or cheese regardless of the price.
It's just something he picked up "on the way". Like "grocery prices". He understands when people are triggered (fear) by something. And then he goes wild with it. He is not bothered understanding it. Apart from the respective reactions around him.
The orange one is an ignorant buffoon and everything he says about Canada is a lie. US milk contains bovine hormone, considered a carcinogen by the American Cancer Society. Our milk is far superior, we should buy from Quebec farms only.
He didn’t write this. Its properly formatted, no grammatical or spelling errors, has a clear linear thought, no all cap words. Looks like the work of a minion to me. With all apologies to the minions of the world.
Imagine having the temerity to ensure we have a safe domestic supply of critical foods when we have such a rapacious and untrustworthy neighbor wanting to crush our economy? Pass the eggs.
Canada is rich and liberal country. Pain in the ass of every autocrat. And moreover people even stupid in your own country can see it. It's not on the other side of the world.
Trump wants Canada because he’s convinced he can turn the entire province of Alberta into the world’s largest golf resort, complete with oil-slick water hazards and glacier-themed putting greens.
He thought he could divide us with Gretzky and his nonsense about the 51st state; turns out it has unified us more than anything else could ever have. The patriotism in this country is phenomenal. #ElbowsUp.
Listen up, you stupid fat fuck, you're making these numbers up in your head as you go. Canada owes you nothing. the fentynal problems don't exist, only in your childish mind. You used it to call it a national emergency then you abused your power as you normally do, and fucked everyone up.
What’s felon krasnov talking about? Milk-cheese are cheaper then 6 yrs ago. However eggs are hovering around 10.00 a dozen. They were .65 a dozen in November 2023.
He’s referring to dairy, above a certain percentage, that Canada imports from the US. He negotiated this deal as part of USMCA but now has to vilify us to justify his ridiculous desire to annex Canada.
I wouldn't drink the milk from the US where the cows are given artificial growth hormones that are banned in Canada. Does the US still have a food & drug agency (FDA) or USDA (agriculture) anymore? Who's watching the producers?
Canada thankfully will look after its own interests. It is a sovereign nation and does not want to be part of the US, for which they can hardly be blamed. Mexico can and must too.
Farmers and Idaho have already started selling off their cows because they have lost fifty or sixty migrants who get up at three a m to start milking their cows.
Cherry picking without detail. As usual. The Devil is in… well the White House. The truth is in the details. Researching now… any help is welcomed. I like to refute with truthful and objective information… seasoned with just the right amount of disgust and dogged determination. Arm yourself.
Read all the comments above yours, you’ll get the details. If USA ships more than agreed upon limit it gets higher tariffs because we already produce enough dairy for ourselves. There’s more but you can scroll n read for yourself.
Thank you and I have. I strive to learn each and everyday. Even at my age, the best wisdom I’ve acquired is that I dont know what I don’t know. Aim to amend each and everyday on a subject. Sometimes two. Have a great day.
We don’t want to join you and we don’t want some of your states to join us. We are flattered, really, but we’re just fine on our own. We’re still part of the Commonwealth and that’s enough.
Jeez, where would we be without daily lies from FOTUS? He's definitely got the hots for Canada. Sorry, FOTUS, Canada's just not into you. Now please stop embarrassing yourself and maybe try really making America great by resigning and checking yourself into a nut hut or prison and take Elon with you
Dude Canada is steadfast on how to deal with your stupid tariffs. You’re the one having mood swings in dealing with our friends around the world. One minute you put tariff, the next minute you pause tariff. All these are in violation of US constitution. You don’t wake one day and bully Canada/Mexico
This post had perfect structure, and 4...count 'Em, FOUR perfectly used colons. No way he wrote this. His real posts are more like a run on sentence from someone having a cocaine-induced fever dream.
Canadian dairy is pure…Canadian beef is free range, grass fed…Canadian cheese is real , natural cheese…the syphilitic pussyassbitch is as per usual belching wind out his diaper-clad ass…
awwwww dopes chicken man not want a big full on tariff war now
on march 12th
this also includes f35 wings and most USA made MISSLES
and as ya see in news no one in west is now buying your shit
thats going to lead to thousands upon thousands a job layoffs
Poor ignorant Donald, someone explain import quotas to him please. Those duty rates only kick in when the quotas have been reached. Canada is protecting its domestic market.
Also, Donald you negotiated and signed off on these rate in the USMCA. Yes, you.
Supply management is why Canadians still can afford eggs 🤪The only people that want Canada🇨🇦to get rid of supply management are the ones wanting to gouge consumers because they think it’s a game to line their pockets! Canadians need to remember that pee pee wants the same things trump wants🖕💰over🧑🧑🧒🧒
the United States allows the use of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST), an artificial growth hormone, in dairy cattle, but Canada does not.
rbST is a synthetic version of the naturally occurring growth hormone somatotropin. It's used to increase milk production in dairy cattle. >>
Health Canada banned the use and sale of rbST in 1999 due to concerns about animal health and welfare. Studies showed that cows receiving rbST injections were at risk of health issues like mastitis and lameness.
rbST is approved for use in the United States.>>>.
Dairy products made using U.S. ingredients cannot be guaranteed to be rbST free.
How to identify Canadian milk
You can identify milk produced in Canada by checking for the blue-and-white Dairy Farmers of Canada logo. This logo indicates that the milk comes from cows that were not given rbST
Can someone please explain this to me? Sorry, I am trying to find an answer, but why does Canada tax us so high on these items? I'm am sure there is a reason. I just cant find it or I dont understand it. And do we recipricate with any US goods sold to them?
The US imports $24B in dairy to Canada. That tax number is charged only when the US exceeds the allowed amount. Canadian dairy farmers have their own quotas and already produce enough for our country. What Trump wants is to dump dairy into Canada and we do not need it.
Thank you. So I guess my question then is, why doesnt the US start producing quality milk instead of spending all that money? I am genuinely trying to understand this whole milk thing and why Americans are upset about the 200%+ tax on it.
Also, there are no controls over US dairy production. Trump & dairy farmers want to flood the Canadian market with your overproduction.
Canada has more than enough milk, controlled by our Milk Marketing Board, which ensures Canadian farmers continue to prosper.
I grew up on a farm & we used cattle manure as fertilizer for our crops & in our gardens.
Watched a video from the US showing how a potato grower spread manure on his potato plot & his crop was a complete failure after doing that.
It turned out the manure was from a dairy farm whose cattle ate hay was sprayed to keep weeds down. That spray on the hay ingested by the cattle transferred to the manure which killed the man’s potatoes.
He estimated 5 years before he could use that plot again.
Such sprays are also banned in Canada.
You’re welcome.
There are a number of chemicals used in the US which are harmful if consumed by humans, not just by the dairy industry, many of which cause serious health issues but such chemicals enhance growth &/or production which helps your agriculture industry.🤷♂️
Canada has tougher regulations
"Over a quota" we have internal quotas to protect our farmers. When they are over, even farmers here need to dump/donate the extra. Its call supply management.
What Trump is showing are tariffs "over quotas" meaning that we don't apply tariffs until that quota is hit
Yes! Thank you! I would really appreciate your explanations! My husband and I had a huge argument about this the other night. Me, of course wants to investigate and get a logical answer, while most Americans just say well Canada charges us so much and it's not fair.
The Quotas management is also a huge debate in Canada to be honest because all quotas create waste (like my neighbor having to dump milk) but overall, it's the easiest way to control pricing and protect both consumers and farmers.
2. US uses growth hormones and other things that are forbidden here according to our food Agency because of health concerns to animals and humans. So even without quotas, only farmers meeting these requirements can realistically import into Canada. Generally speaking, we don't really import
I believe so. Also given the absence of any meaningful oversight of the dairy industry fair to say I would not be prepared to drink US milk - ever. Also we have a very very strong dairy industry and that’s not going to change.
In Oregon at least they're clearly labeled as produced from cows not treated with bovine growth hormone. I don't remember if it's required or not but Oregonians like it and support their dairy industry.
Canadian dairy products are clearly labelled as such. Most Canadians choose not to purchase American dairy products, and have done so for many years. We don’t need or want US milk. We have safe milk. We have great cheese. And we import cheese from many countries other than the US. The Blue Cow.
You could not pay me to drink milk, period. It’s for calves, just like human breast milk is for human babies. Drinking breast milk from another species is wholly strange and weird to me.
Exactly, it’s for calves. Adult and juvenile cows don’t drink it just like adult humans don’t drink human breast milk because that would be weird. To each their own though 🤷♂️
It’s true. Milk is routinely spilled because it isn’t being sold. Farmers screwed up voting for him. Loss of subsidies once musk gets to usda numbers, loss of research (nih) and loss of farm workers (ice).
For years Sugar growers in Florida have bribed politicians to get high tariffs on sugar. Americans pay more for sugar than anyone in the world. Candy makers have been moving their companies out of America.
That's how tariffs work.
Yuh. We want to protect our farmers from your conglomerates. There is a place for tariffs. In isolated areas where protection is needed. If we couldn’t produce enough dairy for our own needs and had tariffs that would be stupid.
Like the US in:
Rare earths
"... shield domestic producers from foreign competition..."
Taking a statement at face value without having the intellectual curiosity to ask "Why would they need to do that?" Is the difference between a critical thinker and a dumbass.
It doesn't matter if there are tariffs on American dairy or not most Canadians will buy our dairy products as we trust our dairy industry and we will support our farmers.
I wish it were true, but plenty of Canadians will go for the cheaper product, given the opportunity.
If supply chain management ever gets gutted, the dairy industry should run an ad campaign illustrating cow shit vs antibiotic content in American milk.
That's beside the point though. The point is that if US gets their way and our supply chain management gets compromised, there will be *a lot more* cheap, low-quality American dairy on the shelves, and our dairy industry will be unable to compete, because most consumers don't know any better.
I’m saying this tariff on our dairy is a small share of the industry. It’s not going to negatively effect the dairy farming industry in Canada like a tariff on oil, lumber, or car parts
the problem is the lying / attacking dairy doesn't make sense. no one pays 270%. canada imports more than exports. its the 3rd largest market for US dairy. over quota tariff is never triggered. the quota keeps the US from dumping surplus on Canada. No quotas and tariffs makes no sense.
There's a lot, actually. All of Philadelphia cream cheese, Kraft cheese, Yoplait yogurt are the first ones to pop to mind. There are others that escape me at the moment. Dairy isn't just milk and butter.
You are right, Kraft dairy is made in Canada, unlike other Kraft products -TIL! That's great!
Still, concerned about what the next government might do to dismantle the protections in place for Canadian dairy farmers.
And farmers in US wouldn't make a profit without massive subsidies, representing 73% of their profits. Canada does not subsidize its farmers and doesn't allow growth hormones used in US to increase per cow production. Stricter quality control to exclude contaminants too. We don't want US dumping.
No chance. He would look weak if he completely backed down. His true motive may be to tank both economies, allow his wealthy cronies to scoop up businesses at a fraction of their values, then close international subsidiaries and plants, apply quid pro quo to re-establish foreign operations
It’s a coordinated effort of propaganda. He wants to annex Canada so he is trying to damage them as much as he can. Journalist need to do their jobs and call him on it.
Olga, he is obsessed with taking us.
It. Will. Not. Happen!
I am prepared to stand and fight. My parents came post WWII from Italy, sacrificed all for us, and I'm forever grateful to them.
Elbows up Canada!
Under CUSMA, 🇨🇦 agreed to provide limited additional access to US dairy producers, but with high tariffs. These tariffs are part of Canada’s supply management system, which protects Canadian dairy farmers/ producers. Of course 🇨🇦 is going to do this when the US produces its own dairy. He’s an idiot!
The orange “stable genius” was the one who negotiated & signed the Canada/Mexico/US trade agreement: USMCA (nafta 2.0) himself in 2019 (ratified in Jan 2020). He stated at the time, on television, that it was the “greatest deal ever” and he signed the deal.
I do agree with Olga — that Trump is increasingly “obsessed” with Canada lately, perhaps because Trudeau in his recent speeches is outstanding & eloquent — outshining 🌟 💫 Trump, and he’s just jealous & seething 😡 with obsession.
He never forgave Trudeau for not allowing Trump to rip his arm out of his socket like Trump aggressively does. Trudeau just countered & squeezed the shit out of Trump's tiny hand. Macron did the same. Trump is pathetic.
Yes he is, and like Putin he wants to enlarge his territory by disputing the Canada/US border. At this point I think Canada must believe he is threatening war on Canada.
Jealous of Trudeau AND
Feels shame that he’s not in the club (no respect/adoration from their leaders or western leaders in general).
Petty and weak man
Felons aren't allowed in Canada!
Plus US milk is gross and full of antibiotics.
Let them put their milk on our shelves I say, no one will buy it.
All these nonsense excuses by the orange menace are beside the point. The press must get serious and demand to know—does Trump plan to invade Canada?
It will be awhile
This tariff plan to take over is from McKinley’s playbook from the Gilded Age he wants to take America back to
Well cry me a river
choke on some of our delicious Canadian cheese curd, you bloated turd.
Let trump take credit for "defeating" Trudeau and move on.
Insecure narcissists with ADHD might forget all about it.
Don’t hold your breathe - but that would be funny
From: Canada
It's amazing that he knows Canada has a dairy supply management system, and that our banking has different rules.
Given that he doesn't understand who pays tariffs, or what the history of tariffs is.
I think he's jealous!
He such a fucking idiot.
trump is a LOSER!
It was on news last week.
You’re about to have a shortage of milk and eggs
A doz Jumbo Eggs are $3.89 CAN in Oakville Ontario. That's $2.68 USD.
They don't need to send eggs to US.
If the US starts having a shortage, then dairy needs to be imported, which will result in taxes for Trump’s coffers
What a shit ass way to go through life.
I don't care HOW much money you have.
I think the high # is the closest
on march 12th
this also includes f35 wings and most USA made MISSLES
and as ya see in news no one in west is now buying your shit
thats going to lead to thousands upon thousands a job layoffs
Also, Donald you negotiated and signed off on these rate in the USMCA. Yes, you.
rbST is a synthetic version of the naturally occurring growth hormone somatotropin. It's used to increase milk production in dairy cattle. >>
Health Canada banned the use and sale of rbST in 1999 due to concerns about animal health and welfare. Studies showed that cows receiving rbST injections were at risk of health issues like mastitis and lameness.
rbST is approved for use in the United States.>>>.
How to identify Canadian milk
You can identify milk produced in Canada by checking for the blue-and-white Dairy Farmers of Canada logo. This logo indicates that the milk comes from cows that were not given rbST
Canada has more than enough milk, controlled by our Milk Marketing Board, which ensures Canadian farmers continue to prosper.
Watched a video from the US showing how a potato grower spread manure on his potato plot & his crop was a complete failure after doing that.
He estimated 5 years before he could use that plot again.
Such sprays are also banned in Canada.
There are a number of chemicals used in the US which are harmful if consumed by humans, not just by the dairy industry, many of which cause serious health issues but such chemicals enhance growth &/or production which helps your agriculture industry.🤷♂️
Canada has tougher regulations
"Over a quota" we have internal quotas to protect our farmers. When they are over, even farmers here need to dump/donate the extra. Its call supply management.
What Trump is showing are tariffs "over quotas" meaning that we don't apply tariffs until that quota is hit
I would appreciate you sharing that information to Americans thinking that we are screwing them. Those quotas are applied to everyone.
My neighbor is a dairy farmer and also can't go over
"Tariffs only apply if you go over a certain amount of milk/cheese"
Does he work in construction or a field like this? I am sure I can probably do a comparison if you give me his field of work
I am not a specialist in food economics, so I
But is BGH free dairy exported to Canada? Not just fresh milk; cheese, butter, ice cream …?
Disclaimer: I live in Australia, and enjoy Oz and Kiwi dairy, which is and always has been BGH free 😊
That's how tariffs work.
Like the US in:
Rare earths
Best guess Lutnick.
Just sayin'
Taking a statement at face value without having the intellectual curiosity to ask "Why would they need to do that?" Is the difference between a critical thinker and a dumbass.
Don't be a dumbass.
If supply chain management ever gets gutted, the dairy industry should run an ad campaign illustrating cow shit vs antibiotic content in American milk.
Canadians who go cross the border to buy dairy will be effected but the rest won’t.
This is just a headline story not an impactful one
I’m saying this tariff on our dairy is a small share of the industry. It’s not going to negatively effect the dairy farming industry in Canada like a tariff on oil, lumber, or car parts
Not a big industry and we do have other Canadian options to choose from, so not a huge impact on Canadians
Still, concerned about what the next government might do to dismantle the protections in place for Canadian dairy farmers.
Since when is milk an butter a security issue?
It. Will. Not. Happen!
I am prepared to stand and fight. My parents came post WWII from Italy, sacrificed all for us, and I'm forever grateful to them.
Elbows up Canada!
I do agree with Olga — that Trump is increasingly “obsessed” with Canada lately, perhaps because Trudeau in his recent speeches is outstanding & eloquent — outshining 🌟 💫 Trump, and he’s just jealous & seething 😡 with obsession.
Remember what the orange brute did to the poor Japanese prime minister, Abe?
Bring it.
It’s still No.”
He knows he can’t *make them submit,* and he’ll go more mad over it.
USA dairy is nasty.
Over production of dairy in the US, which is supported by subsidiaries, should not be allowed to damage Canadian dairy!
Feels shame that he’s not in the club (no respect/adoration from their leaders or western leaders in general).
Petty and weak man