Star Ocean Memorial award for "why can't I turn these voices/sounds off" - Super Mario Galaxy 2's Wiimote speaker noises
Replayed it, still really enjoyed it: Quake II, VVVVVV
Replayed it, went down in my estimation: New Super Mario Bros Wii (that coop mode felt competitive)
Replayed it, still really enjoyed it: Quake II, VVVVVV
Replayed it, went down in my estimation: New Super Mario Bros Wii (that coop mode felt competitive)
Waited for a long time and it was worth it: Ace Attorney Investigations 2
Waited for a long time and it... wasn't: Another Code R
And that’ll do it! I’m in the last world of Mario Galaxy 2 but there’s no way I finish by midnight. I finished about 70% of what I’d hoped to this year. Thinking about targets for ‘25.