I think by the time the industry settles on a new term it’s all just gonna be back to “SEO” as AI takes over everything.
Reposted from
Stella Morrison (she/her)
Hey Bluesky SEO folks, how do we feel about the use of “AEO” for answer engine optimization instead of just calling it, well, “SEO?” Are people just trying to make fetch happen?
CFO - Content Findability Optimization
SXI - Search Experience Integration
DXP - Digital Experience Presence
DVO - Discoverability Value Optimization
for the record - I hate all of these, but this is chatGPTs world, I'm just living in it...
Though I did use “answer engine” in my 2018 #BrightonSEO Batman deck 🦇 😊
Web Site Visibility Optimization
Zooms out from ‘engine’ and takes into account the whole consumer search experience from search results to first-click on landing to browsing the site.
And preserves the acronym 🤣
Bonus: a link to the paper -> https://arxiv.org/pdf/2311.09735