Or they just die. That's what they are after. If you kill off the weak or infirmed, you no longer have to pay benefits. That's how they plan to make America great again.
My 87 year old MAGA mother, who was a life-long Democrat, is going to find some excuse why she has to pay full price for her heart medicine. Don't worry, she can afford it, but maybe she will turn away from the cult.
Well, my 87 year old mother will somehow turn this around and blame Biden even though she was a lifelong Democrat. I would tip her off, but that would just lead to a fight. These days, the less I say, the better. My entire family is MAGA.
This is going to cause people to die. And not just MAGA either. Hard working seniors who can't afford to retire because they need the money to stay on life-saving medication.
What! Why do i act surprised! Those who voted for him…the ones who are not billionaires….really thought he cared about them!!! They have hurt themselves and the rest of us. We need to try to hang in there. We who voted for the people hold no guilt on this one.
Absolutely amazing that so many people have been brainwashed. Largest cult in history. Seems like the entire world is leaning right and it is extremely frightening.
If they can't afford the drugs to keep them alive, they end up in hospitals.
Guess who pays the hospital bills?
We all told them this would happen and no one listened.