This appointment should be terrifying to everyone for themselves and their families. He will have the entire country sick because no one will be vaccinated. He will take us back to the years when people dies young from everything.
Get your vaccines people. Things are going to change. He is apparently going to target many of them. So much for eradicating cervical cancer. Vaccine bad...very bad says RFK.
The fact he wanted to be in charge of that despite being a womanizer, not a doctor, or have any experience outside of sleeping with women is unfathomable
It is quite conceivable now that, soon enough the only safe food we'll be able to find is from illegals, that own food trucks, that do not follow RFK Jr's food rules, by sneaking in actual (not trademarked Impossible) meat, from Mexico. 🧐
We've heard he's out since the bear cub incident & whale beheading seem to be enough to stop his security clearance....HAHAHAHA. remember Jared? Yeah, we all do.
You can VOTE for whom you think is best for positions.
I signed up and voted
For burros and horses to be over seen by someone capable.
Go look at it, not kidding you can read about those being considered for positions and VOTE
I'm wondering how you determine what part of a whale is the head, just by looking at it. and then strap it to your car. that dude has issues, a whole subscription, lifetime subscription.
With RFK Jr as the new health czar -
It is quite conceivable now that, soon enough the only safe food we'll be able to find is from illegals, that own food trucks, that do not follow RFK Jr's food rules, by sneaking in actual (not trademarked Impossible) meat, from Mexico. 🧐
You can VOTE for whom you think is best for positions.
I signed up and voted
For burros and horses to be over seen by someone capable.
Go look at it, not kidding you can read about those being considered for positions and VOTE
Not kidding.
Oh, wait...😧
Since Trump likes that guy so much.
Originally from NY , still searching for a good cannoli here in Florida!
RFK Jr a gynecologist, wearing a bears skin.