Same with the Orange Swamp Creature. Why doesn’t he let prosecutors fail instead of claiming immunity? Taking a stance on anything out of principle is not what that thing is most known for…
Trump doesn't want him to. It's an interesting situation since, theoretically, he has the same power as Trump does, perhaps even more ... it's that he doesn't have a spine.
I would love to see whatever is in that ethics report. I know Biden is doing this whole high road thing but why have grace in age wasn't he a spunky beloved activist.
That man is trouble. Watch out for him AND JD Vance. We shouldn’t become so concentrated on Trump that we forget the nightmare movement he has following him that will long outlive him. Johnson and Vance are young and influential and can do a ton of damage in the background if we’re not watching.
Gaetz isn’t the only Republican implicated.
The report will show that GOP leadership had prior knowledge of this and did nothing.
The report alleges other crimes and coverups besides underage sex.
And, if this ethics report was compiled with government resources and the participation of any elected representatives, and used taxpayer money to produce, it belongs to US. It should automatically be released, and if it takes a FOIA request, so be it.
I would imagine pretty extensive. Unfortunately majority of Republicans in America won’t care. You can’t vote for DJT and suddenly care about holding MG accountable. It’s like the predator party now.
Oh, I fully agree with you. I was more thinking about getting it on record for posterity, so that when historians look at the fall of the American Empire, they can point to the loss of ethics, morals and values that precipitated it.
The way I see it is the GOP never admits fault and will double down on every bad decision. Because to them there is no right or wrong. They believe whatever they believe and it has to be the truth because they say so.
Maybe because Mike Johnson isn't as "pure" and "free from sin" as he wants everyone to think he is and Gaetz' report will tarnish him? Either way, that report should be released!
I feel badly for them since central casting never swapped them out last year and now they are pigeonholed as "The Sunday school teacher no one ever suspected" and as the new and improved "Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer".
Because Gaetz is guilty as hell and everyone knows it. To have it in writing where everyone can read it is the death knell of their Project 2025 plans.
Trump really wants to normalize this idea that he should be able to do everything by unilateral decree… there should be no reviews or reports or background checks. They need the public to start forgetting what the “correct” process looks like.
Because crooks will always cover for each other. Trump is surrounding himself with people that have done the same thing so he can’t be held accountable for his wrongdoings.
It's obvious that Mike Johnson's famous piety is a load of s***, because he is defending an alleged pedophile. He's also obstructing justice, such hypocrisy is unconscionable.
Because every last little thing that comes up is about power. Power over women. Power over people of color. Power over voting. Power over money, and power over what is the truth. Everything big and little is about owning the libs. Every. Thing.
A Lago helped!
We know that the report is damning, we just don't know how bad.
Johnson would be victory lapping the report around DC if it in any way exonerated Gaetz.
It's probably worse than they feared.
I hope the victims file a criminal or civil suit against Gaetz.
Secret handshake between ‘Christians and
Sex Offenders’
In other words, what the actual fuck
Gaetz isn’t the only Republican implicated.
The report will show that GOP leadership had prior knowledge of this and did nothing.
The report alleges other crimes and coverups besides underage sex.
They all have secrets.
Mike and Nester are in the report.
4years long time but going into hibernation
They will deny everything and hide the facts in plain site!
They are true criminals and this country is in deep trouble!
1) No.
2) Fvck No.
Based on what is being proposed, those are complete responses and don't require any explanation.