I don’t give a fuck about what Zelensky was “wearing.”
I care about the fact that my once upon a time beacon of democracy nation kicked him to the curb in favor of an evil despot.
That’s what I fucking care about.
I care about the fact that my once upon a time beacon of democracy nation kicked him to the curb in favor of an evil despot.
That’s what I fucking care about.
Of course Elon isn't expected to craw at Trump's feet like Selensky was.
With Elon, it is Trump who does the crawling.
Disrespectful and hypocritical
Apparently, the Apprentice is making a comeback as, The Apprentice in Government…you’re all fired.
I don’t recall specifically, but I’m thinking Hero Z has addressed this before.
The illegitimate president of the US berated him in front of the world.
That says more about Trump (the Russian operative) and his ass lickers than it does Zelenskyy.
Nice "Christian Values", right MAGAts?
Putin has installed Trump in the highest office in our land.
Once we accept that Trump is Putin's bitch then everything that Trump is doing makes sense.
Institutions, alliances, our very democracy, dismantled.
This is treason.
People were terrified of that in the early 90s and now no Republicans seem to remember.
Billionaire gets instant respect.
I know this game. The thank you and the tie and suit would not have gotten him respect it just in their opinion would have looked better to the “American Media” never mind what was heard! The photo op!
Ambassador Oksana Markarova is the Ukrainian Ambassador to 🇺🇸
Let's Follow her on Bluesky 🦋
and send her our Best Wishes Solidarity with President Zelensky his Family & the Brave People of Ukraine
Your future if You dont agreed with your president.
Worst person in the World to have voted for.
A Russian spy, has been for over 30 years. Time to expunge the Fungus🤮
Zelinsky has more class and courage in his pinky finger than DJT has ever had.
Zelenskyy could have been clad in nothing but a loin cloth and was still 1000x more presidential than the suit-clad clowns that were mocking him.
Fuck all of them.
I would be proud to have Zelenskyy in charge of my country. Can’t say the same about Trump n
Diplomacy or leadership or being a decent human. You need to be those things too, as President. He does not possess those traits.
Too many people since Reagan are out for personal well-being, short term gratification, and greed under the cover of "personal responsibility and freedom." They've given up on we're all in this together, and leaving a better world
Which is also on brand for that cohort.
The full on coup cabal maybe wearing suits, but the take over is now fully transparent.
t-shirt, and a sport coat. Nobody gives a Royal crap about that. We’re surrounded by hypocrites.
Trump failed to break President Zelensky today.
Blue suit, white shirt and long red ties so no one notices tRump has their 🏈🏈🏈🏈
Keep your distance, they may combust spontaneously..
so sadly, that shit he said yesterday is going to look quite reasonable when we hear today's verbal vomit
sounds impossible, yet he keeps doing it...
Complain about Zelensky’s patriotic dress which he has said he will wear until the brutal invasion of his nation, a free democracy, ends.
Read! Share! Impeach!
Keeping up "appearances" is a thing only classist a$$holes care about. People with real hearts and minds have their heads in the right place.
One's words and actions matter. Clothes do not.
Guess it really wasn’t about mode of dress, was it?
Those magats on the other hand, can wear what they like, they are still just turds.