Anybody who understood minstrelsy in mainstream yt culture entertainment was always the mask being worn to cushion yt people from consciously recognizing the appropriated blackface characature was telling them an ugly truth about themselves.
I think legends handled the re-emergence of fascism better. The Second Galactic Civil War was fought between allies whod both been part of the Rebel Alliance and New Republic, and fascism re-emerged from within, with normal ppl being radicalized, not from some holdout in the unknown regions.
And it was awful back then too lol. Dark Empire was the worst. I have no idea why of all post-ROTJ content the filmmakers for Rise of Skywalker decided to be inspired by one of the worst stories from the EU
Darth Sion is from the Old Republic, during the Sith Triumvirate with Darths Nihilus & Traya
Tho the absolute transparency and over the top-Ness of it is also not far off from what we're seeing.
Trumps dialog sounds like a kid who saw a Mel brooks movie was asked to write a fascist. And people are falling in line for it because of that, not in spite.
The Gungan king will do anything you want - send his countrymen into battle as cannon fodder - as long as you abase yourself and tell him he's awesome. I thought this was stupid and unrealistic.
Within the first three minutes of “A New Hope” (it wasn’t even called Episode 4 yet), I really said holy shit, these guys are a parody of Nazis with their phalanx of carbon copy soldiers and snappy little uniforms. And, here we are.
That certainly helped. First mention of stormtrooper was about 36 minutes in -“Only imperial stormtroopers are so precise.” At 1:13 “Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?”
People criticized the prequels for allegedly being a jab at George Bush which Lucas denied. Hokestly he shouldn't have denied it cause like...he was right?
Ohhhh i see what you meant. Thanks. Those movies were not bad enough to stop me from watching them three times each though. Maybe I should watch them again.
He was born in 1944. He was giving us the young boy’s POV from someone who was growing up in the aftermath of the results hearing stories from the adults who lived through it.
Yeah one of the pitfalls of history's witness being lost to time. I'm sure, to the non nazi Germans, it was as absurd as we are experiencing now. Cartoonish- not whittled down to tightly cut scary clips from propaganda films.
The absurdity of fascism has always been a theme in cinema I guess eh?
Yeah. But nobody would have believed it if Palpatine was a bumbling, barely literate, nearly incomprehensible moron. So in his version Jar Jar only initiates the vote to end democracy.
Honestly I think it’s even more prophetic that Palpatine was an “enlightened centrist” and was the one to destroy democracy and usher in fascism. It is always “centrists” who are responsible for ushering in far right tyranny
“Say thank you!”
But yeah. It's like that.
Although, Kylo Ren wasn’t actually voted in by the people.
so congratulations Star Wars sequel politics, you're less stupid than reality.
everyone makes fun of "somehow Palpatine returned" even though we have Dark Empire not to mention Darth Sion
Darth Sion is from the Old Republic, during the Sith Triumvirate with Darths Nihilus & Traya
Tho the absolute transparency and over the top-Ness of it is also not far off from what we're seeing.
Trumps dialog sounds like a kid who saw a Mel brooks movie was asked to write a fascist. And people are falling in line for it because of that, not in spite.
But I stand corrected.
Han shot first.
If you want to tell stories, put those stories into video games
Let people tell their stories in whatever form of media they want to.
I told her what she needs to do in order to get me to partake
You having issue with that is your privilege going
lol... lmao even.
"Do this."
"No, you do this."
So I kind of get it.
The great irony being I actually am doing a story driven retro game based on the comics so ... it's like hahaha got u fam
Then I will not be partaking in her story because it does not fit the media format I utilize in my everyday life
I earned two consecutive awards for the most accelerated reader points in a school year - I am done with print media
It was like a Saturday morning cartoon rise of hitler.
However, as we're experiencing- it was pretty on the nose with how transparent, overblown and paper thin the villain is.
And more "would it look and sound like a bad TV show?" Yes it would apparently
Tho I saw a couple fan edits that really made them good. Mostly pacing and stuff.
I think the major issue was they were a little bloated and a tighter cut really made them memorable for me.
The absurdity of fascism has always been a theme in cinema I guess eh?
Reality is just way worse.
“I don’t like trans.”
“They’re rough, course, look better than me, and get everywhere”