This is at least six kinds of stupid.
You’re assuming any significant number of birds HAVE immunity (unlikely), that recovered birds recover in any salable way (dubious), that the long-term-sick birds don’t infect humans (improbable), AND that the virus doesn’t mutate (impossible). 🧪
You’re assuming any significant number of birds HAVE immunity (unlikely), that recovered birds recover in any salable way (dubious), that the long-term-sick birds don’t infect humans (improbable), AND that the virus doesn’t mutate (impossible). 🧪
Because gas ovens take a lot more work and these people, like most gangsters, always look for the shortcut to win.
Human H5N1 mortality rate 50%
The H5N1 D1.1 genotype is the predominant genotype in all 4 of the North American flyways
H5N1 D1.1 has been responsible for most U.S. poultry outbreaks,et%20al.%2C%202006
The result is the way diseases rip through barns.
Survivorship in these houses will come down to little more than luck.
which pretty well describes most of this administration's leaders
(Hint-they see themselves as the strong and the winners)
Everyone else is a "loser" (Trump, re dead soldiers)
So carrying this madness into healthcare is understandable
They "know" they will survive