GMO's are unsafe.
This car is powered by naturally occuring energy waves in the sky. No gas, no batteries! Plus when parked it supplies 15kw of power to buildings. This vehicle is an energy source all on its own. No limits on distance. No recharging, no refuelling.
I remember in grade school saying something about the earth possibly being flat and my teacher, VERY quickly, was like NO. Think about looking out over the ocean. And I was like, oh, yeah. And we moved right along. I still think about that
I will say this I am rubbish when it comes to sciences. I understand some basic concepts but that’s about it and even I know better than to be an anti-vaxxer. It’s not just ignorance, it’s people confident in their ignorance.
Doing the foundational work to understand complex things is hard. The stupid among us simply won't put in any effort to develop that understanding. Common sense is good for basic things, like not sticking your finger in a wall outlet, but it doesn't put a rocket into space.
Always so sure of themselves and then they say but prove me wrong! Umm no, do proper research before you come to any conclusion. YouTube and TikTok are not databases for professional doctors and scientists lol. RKF is always saying that. I could be wrong…you’re in charge!! Prepare before you speak.
What gets me is how the deniers have somehow persuaded, if not a majority, at least a significant plurality of Americans to instinctively mistrust thousands of smart people who have devoted their professional careers to some topic while instinctively trusting some unqualified nitwit on the Internet.
Ok, but why did I have to learn the “in 1842 Columbus sailed the ocean blue” or when the fuck ever it was, and learn about how the Indians agreed to move to reservations so they could give America to the pilgrims fleeing religious persecution and make an F in that shit?
Whether kids “use” science or not, it’s a basis for understanding climate, medical, and environmental issues, or just what’s going on in the sky or the backyard. If people are going to vote (and legislate!) on these topics, they should have some knowledge. It can be made interesting, honest.
My favorite fake evidence/argument came from a retired high school guidance counselor. She “read” a scientific report that “all the scientists were ignoring” and she had the actual best info. Educated, but deluded. So not just education is the issue.
My graduating class had 102 people in it. I would estimate about 30 of us could read at or higher than the appropriate level. There was a lot of people resigned to whatever the holler had to offer them in life, which is to say, nothing.
We went to a diner yesterday and two different families of a MAGA nature were SO loud. Zero self awareness of how loud they were and their children were. Adults throwing things at the table. It’s incredible to witness. I said to my husband “clearly there’s no reading at their house with that noise.”
I will say I’ve met some pretty ignorant highly educated people and I’ve seen some well-versed people with no formal education. What makes you truly stupid is making it out like education is woke lol. Everyone should want to learn. Smart people keep us healthy and on the right path. Stupid kills.
I agree, you can find smart and dumb individuals. But when it comes ro group statistics, what I present is true. And it's group statistics that win or lose elections. I also agree that education should be important, but unfortunately there are a lot of people who don't think so.
Corporations have convinced us that education is solely for job training, not to be informed citizens with the ability to think critically. As long as education is seen primarily as preparing to get a job this way of thinking is inevitable.
This car is powered by naturally occuring energy waves in the sky. No gas, no batteries! Plus when parked it supplies 15kw of power to buildings. This vehicle is an energy source all on its own. No limits on distance. No recharging, no refuelling.
[Flails arms around in exasperation at the world burning around us]
Why is it so hot/cold...
Why is it so stuffy...
Including voting for Trump.
And BEING Trump.
Also: I use algebra about every day in my life. Srsly.
It's not about forcing an education, it's about adults being unwilling to learn.
I love learning as an adult far more than I did as a child.
My ex-wife also slept through home economics. /s
They will never “let” you…
But, they can’t stop you either.