Yes. Maybe someone should create a toilet paper and call it Elon Musk will remove all of your business….and a Donald Trump toilet….so you can dump on Trump…
Thomas Edison might not have been the most ethical businessman but he was at least a very smart person. If Nikola Tesla disliked him so much, then imagine how he would have felt about a complete moron and trash person like Elon.
I've literally never seen his face before. I get the feeling that if he existed today he would be getting the DEI-nomenclature over looking kinda zesty.
"Tesla expressed the belief that human "pity" had come to interfere with the natural "ruthless workings of nature". Though his argumentation did not depend on a concept of a "master race" or the inherent superiority of one person over another, he advocated for eugenics."
I don’t see a defect in his opinion. Nothing evil, they’re observations about the current workings of mankind. It’s worth pointing out striving for a better humanity is a worthy goal. To verify this concept spend a few moments watching any news broadcast. Peril comes in how it’s addressed.
Now you’re extrapolating his thoughts, this is how it goes thanks to WWII Germany. If you look into the complete history of the movement it wasn’t as diabolical as you’re suggesting.
Tesla belief in using eugenics to purify the human race. In the 1930s, Tesla expressed his belief that the forced sterilization of criminals and the mentally ill — which was occurring in some European countries (Nazi Germany) and in many states in the U.S. — wasn’t going far enough.
First they came for Jesus and made him a symbol of hate.
Then they came for the flag and made it a symbol of terror.
Now they have come for Tesla and made his name a symbol of fascism.
1) there's a virtual Noah's flood coming from (certain, but MANY) followers of Jesus. 2) it's perfectly reasonable to regard the US flag as a symbol of terror, considering how many brutal dictators it's supported and popular democratic movements crushed. 3) and Musk IS a fascist.
Great point, except I don't think most people know what Nicola Tesla looked like and I have serious doubts that people in this country even know who he was
It’s not coincidental that Elon Musk admires him.
Hugo Boss clothed Nazis.
I bet the great man is just constantly on high speed spin in his grave.
So yeah. Get his fucking name off your cars.
If anything, Tesla’s views leaned more towards a utopian form of technocracy rather than any proto-fascist ideology.
- ChatGPT
Then they came for the flag and made it a symbol of terror.
Now they have come for Tesla and made his name a symbol of fascism.