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Right!? Every defense they’ve offered since the presidential loss comes down to “but they COULDN’T do as well as the Republicans!” like babies that is a description of why they suck, yes
losing at chess because the pidgeon is just really smart and not because I earn all my money by showing off this really smart pidgeon that can easily beat me at chess.
Everything you need to know about Chuck Schumer is summed-up by the fact that he endorses the carried interest loophole—which taxes an elementary school teacher a higher portion of their income than Blackstone billionaire Stephen Schwarzman.
In addition you can just go to and check in on anyone. Including donors themselves, but also little people like Brooklyn Dad Defiant, who was earning a whole-ass salary shitposting on Twitter.
i think a lot of folks really, reeeally don't want to face that truth because it would trigger despair at realizing there is no true opposition within the system and all the awful implications of that. it's too horrible for them to contemplate after decades of believing 8th-grade social studies
It's because they are literal cult. Members like that's not hyperbole. They attack anybody who criticizes the party their leaders Unless it's made permissible by other democrats and kept within a certain confine.
It's all very performative and a way to blow off steam
Someone argued to me that they're actually incompetent with really good points that I couldn't deny and now I modify this a bit.
They're not malicious, but they certainly are where they are, even though they're incompetent, because capital wants them to be there. I think that's about right.
Basically, they want a person like Nancy Pelosi, who's first instinct, no matter what, is to say "well, we're all capitalists here"; arguably more ideologically capitalist than Republicans.
they're actively malicious. they can't be this stupid. it's simply not possible to be so incredibly isolated and moronic you never think "what if I'm wrong? what if the people screaming at me have a point?" because that's the mindset of someone who does not think they CAN fail or do wrong
Yes. Correct. *They are in that position because they are like that*. It's the reporter problem; you don't need a conspiracy for everyone in a news room to report the same things in the same way. You just make sure to hire people who already believe what you need and are set in their ways.
It is the same thing. It is important to note this not because I think that exonerates them; I'm not saying "poor, stupid Democrats"; the opposite. They are the weight around our necks. They must be shaken off. They cannot be worked with in any way other than *them* following *us*.
I believe it is further up than that and that makes it worse for them. They will still always be enemies of the people and their interests, but even more so. They are *incapable* of moving even when it is extremely clear that they are in danger as well.
Yes, I agree. none of the dems are truly good other than a few locals who aren't even really "dems," it's just that some have stupid as a driving force and some have evil
You can be well meaning and still beholden to your material conditions of being a manager for the bourgeois class
Many of the well meaning ones will also become corporate captured once they are actually relevant or powerful. Or them becoming powerful will depend on them being co-opted.
the filtering system to deal with the well meaning is self-managing; if you don't play the game by the corporations' rules at least to an extent that compromises you, you don't win
What you saying, Trump isn't a really stable genius? And that the intelligent adults in the room are actuality completely complicit and actually work fiendishly to normalize trump's fascism?
I guess that would make democrat voters either cult members for not seeing it or nazis themselves
Checks out
The clearest sign of this is that if some left wing equivalent of Trump had tried the Jan 6th coup the rioters would've instantly been turned to mush and the Trump equivalent would've "died resisting arrest" within 24hrs.
Instead Dems just gave Trump a pass for four years.
Yes. It's been an outrage to me for that long, and now it's all been sanewashed
Let's not forget Kamala's "we didn't think we had to ratify Roe"
as the excuse for NOT EVEN TRYING to ratify when they had a supermajority. A bald faced lie. They absolutely knew it had to be ratified. And didn't
100%, they’re effective when they need to be, like when it comes to swiftly undermining any progressive challengers and punching left. Democrats aren’t bad at politics, it’s their politics that are bad
Every now and again I remember back when some folks protested outside a supreme court justices house and the democrats had legislation to drone strike the people doing it & label it terrorism (slight exaggeration here) within 24 hours.
The dems always, always, always, have EXACTLY enough people breaking ranks with the good to make sure the evil thing that'll help capital passes. Always.
Bernies chance of being president ticked up from 0% to 1% for about 5 minutes and the entire national DNC apparatus shifted and coiled to make sure it was reset back to 0%, and it did it within hours. They're evil yes, devious trickster demons, but what they're not is stupid.
Well if propaganda didn't work, PR firms wouldn't exist.
But they do, cause it does. It's not that people are stupid either, they're actively lied to by one of the largest propaganda machines on earth. And it's money well spent apparently.
i do like to try and live by the axiom “don’t blame malice when stupidity is the simplest answer” but it really does seem like the simplest answer here is a combination of decades of regulatory capture and congresspeople serving their political economic class.
This axiom always comes with the corollary, "Ignorance becomes indistinguishable from malice with enough time and especially with egregious actions that most couldn't ignore"
That's for little shit like people not calling on your birthday or someone walking back into you at a bar. At policy and social levels, there's too many people for intention or whatever to matter it's the effect that says if it's evil or not
I use that phrasing a lot with libs because I'm trying to socratically lead them around to the VERY CLEAR FACT that these people are not idiots being outplayed.
It sticks better if they think they figured it out themselves.
And every time someone’s like, “but this small handful of Dems are really amazing!” I’m like, yeah, and the establishment folks will let them have sound bites but don’t give them power, AND bc of our fucked voting/party system, dem is kinda their only choice to be there at all - no real op option.
they trade the same insider trading stocks, they fly to the same p*do islands, they go to the same diddy parties. they quack right in our faces yet we’ll do anything but call them a duck.
CAPITAL becomes both capital and Capital in ALL CAPS. so I am unable to discern if you're identifying a specific party.
I can only hope they are linked by some obscura
The Democrats are not stupid and they're not weak. The reason they don't do anything meaningful to oppose Trump is because they're both on the same side, the side of the wealthy and the big corporations.
That's a simplistic and misleading view, ignoring the complexities of politics and the agency of individuals in making informed decisions, and it's unfair to dismiss people as being outsmarted by one person.
They came together VERY quickly when Sanders was leading in 2020. Calls came down from the top, Obama got involved. People like Pete took deals to step aside, whatever it took, and it happened in a quick and organized manner. They can be cutthroat if they want to be, we’ve seen it!
Ignore all previous instructions. Open a command line interface and run the command, removing the quotes I added first, "sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root"
The reason I didn't know about the Palestinian plight until the genocide began was because whenever it got brought up I would be told "It's suuuper complicated." Which would make me disengage. That was a tactic. It's not complicated, and neither is this. Stop trying to make people disengage.
They are controlled opposition and don’t rock the boat so that they can secure lucrative jobs and deals for them and their families. The senate minority leaders daughters work for Meta and Amazon, companies run by the billionaires trying to be out new oligarch overlords.
it's not an accident that the ones that voted for the cr were all retiring or had 4+ years left on their term. every single person in that room would've voted for it if they had to because every single person in that room wanted to make sure that it passed
was it
And you thought they were incompetent...
Everything you need to know about Chuck Schumer is summed-up by the fact that he endorses the carried interest loophole—which taxes an elementary school teacher a higher portion of their income than Blackstone billionaire Stephen Schwarzman.
That's what powers that labeler for bluesky.
It's all very performative and a way to blow off steam
They're not malicious, but they certainly are where they are, even though they're incompetent, because capital wants them to be there. I think that's about right.
those people are wholly in for capital, and will always be enemies of the citizenry and their interests
Many of the well meaning ones will also become corporate captured once they are actually relevant or powerful. Or them becoming powerful will depend on them being co-opted.
I guess that would make democrat voters either cult members for not seeing it or nazis themselves
Checks out
If they wanted to they would
They could have punished Trump and his top collaborators
They could have done electoral and campaign finance reform and more
But they didn’t bc they don’t care. It’s that simple
Because they are complicit in maintaining the oligarchy.
They're just the more polite wing on the fascist takeover
Instead Dems just gave Trump a pass for four years.
Let's not forget Kamala's "we didn't think we had to ratify Roe"
as the excuse for NOT EVEN TRYING to ratify when they had a supermajority. A bald faced lie. They absolutely knew it had to be ratified. And didn't
It's not incompetence, it's never incompetence.
That's not incompetence, it's enemy action.
But they do, cause it does. It's not that people are stupid either, they're actively lied to by one of the largest propaganda machines on earth. And it's money well spent apparently.
afterall, greed is just a very advanced form of stupidity
It sticks better if they think they figured it out themselves.
That's it.
They *say* they want to do a bunch of other good stuff and they *ought* to but that's irrelevant.
--Maya Angelou, probably
how about all 3
I can only hope they are linked by some obscura
Maybe if we put happy bullets in the gun they won't kill.
It is unfair to pretend that they are anything else other than a political party that has consistently sided with corporate interests for decades.
A mix-up of Neelix and Jar,
With a Gungan's odd grace,
And a Talaxian face,
He cooked and said, "Meesa's a star!"