Chums! Baby Dog here. I am pleased to report that Pancakes were had by all yesterday. Mum didn’t want any upset tummies so she just gave the Kittens a few small pieces to see if they liked them. And they did!! Malcy had some… and then I got to finish them off. Hurrah!! 🥞 (full video on X/Instagram)
RWBY & Qrow don't really like pancakes but they ❤️ the yogurt & cream cheese we top them with.
They do like croissants though 😉
Oooo croissants they have excellent taste ( no pun intended 😂 )
Have a wonderful day 💕
RWBY will only eat Greek yogurt - not even the "Greek-style" & certainly not the runny stuff!
Have a good day 💕
I’ve had a good day thanks, I hope you have too. 💕
and Malcy had his share too😺
But I noticed that you Eric, were given the favourite part….
Have a good day 💕
How sweet
You'll have to be careful next year - he'll want more than that 😉
I do wish they would allow longer videos on here. It would give everyone the opportunity to see their wonderful full length videos.