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I’m learning English. My English is not good, so I think I’m older than you think. I created this account just in case.
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Omar curl

🌳 Walking home under deeply blue skies & delighting in the pink blossoms of california currant overleaning the old garden gate...

Friends! Our lovely friend Sam loves Stitch but can’t get out of the house much because of ill health, so when Mum spotted some lovely Stitch merchandise in Primark, she picked up a gift for Sam. It has been thoroughly investigated by the whole Team and everyone approves! (Full video on X/Instagram)

Furby’s coat is so beautiful

Chums! Baby Dog here. I am pleased to report that Pancakes were had by all yesterday. Mum didn’t want any upset tummies so she just gave the Kittens a few small pieces to see if they liked them. And they did!! Malcy had some… and then I got to finish them off. Hurrah!! 🥞 (full video on X/Instagram)

Chums! Baby Dog here! It’s Pancake Day! 🥞 I’m so excited because I love Pancakes and Dad makes great ones. I have stationed myself in the Kitchen ready. Percy has decided to sit with me… even though he has never had a Pancake. I’m a little concerned. Do I have to share? 🥞 #PancakeDay

Friends! The Kittens still all eat together and myself and/or Baby Dog still supervise them whilst they are eating. You can see clearly here that Percy is the messiest. When they have finished what’s in their bowls, they clear up what they have spilt on the floor 😹 (full video on X/Instagram)

Friends! Often, whilst Ron and Baby Dog are Playing or Napping together, Percy and Cleo are getting up to Shenanigans. What they do is a cross between Playing and Cuddling but you can always see how close they are. Happy Sunday everyone! ❤️❤️ (full video on X / Instagram)

I need a sign on my door that says this.

Friends! As promised, apart 2 of #TowelGate and Cleo decides to get involved! She gives Baby Dog a good run for his money… but does he end up getting his Towel back??? Ron isn’t about to back down… (full video on X / Instagram)

Friends! What’s a Dog supposed to do when he’s had a shower but there’s a Kitten on his towel? That’s the dilemma Baby Dog had to face. Ron wanted the towel for himself. Then Cleo appeared and well… things went up a gear. What do you think happened next? PART 2 tomorrow! (Full video on X/Instagram)

Friends! For the Kittens, every day offers something new to discover and learn. You know how much I love a Candle! 🕯️ Supervised, of course, Mum let Cleo and Percy see a Candle up close. They were fascinated. Ron, naturally, was completely uninterested! 🕯️ (full video on X / Instagram)

Friends! The Kittens have turned our lives a little bit upside down, but I had to step up and help them. It’s been so important that Baby Dog and I show them lots of love, patience and kindness. And I think it’s working, because all 3 of them are full of love ❤️ (full video on X / Instagram)

Chums! Baby Dog here. I wanted to show you the new game that Cleo and I play together. It’s called the Grab & Groom Game because… well… Cleo likes to Grab me and Groom me. It’s quite fun. I’m not that used to Girls so I hope I’m treating her with enough respect ❤️ (full video on X / Instagram)

Friends! Here’s a snapshot of our Sunday. There is one house left standing on Kitty Street (my house), and Ron and Cleo were both interested in it. I was having cuddles with Mum so happy to let them have it. Meanwhile, Percy and Baby Dog we’re having a cuddle on the Big Bed (full video on X / Insta)

Friends! A second post this morning, just to let you know that we have two new products in our shop: a brand new Notebook, which has been requested a lot! And a lovely Zipped Fabric Pouch, which I think is perfect for keeping Treats in, but Mum has other ideas. Take a look! ❤️

Chums! Baby Dog here. Guess what happened?? I was sitting quietly on the Big Bed, when suddenly I heard…. THE ICE CREAM MAN’S MUSIC!! He hasn’t been round for months, so at first I was Discombobulated! Then the urge to sing rose up inside me. Just a shame the Kittens weren’t there to hear me! 🎶 🎶

Friends! For those who like our Soap Opera (entitled #FloofStreet ) the drama continues for this #Caturday. I was having trying to have a chat with Ralphy, but the Kittens are frankly too obsessed with him to allow Private Conversations. “Are you our Dad? Are you??” (Full video on X / Instagram)

Friends! Ralphy was behaving very strangely yesterday! He came in, found a box, and claimed it for himself. He was so determined not to give it up that he almost turned into a statue. It was all a bit weird and Percy and Baby Dog were VERY worried about it (full video on X / Instagram)

an afternoon life in Canada. #photography #caturday #teamcanada #littlethings #visualnarrative

Friends! “Isn’t it funny how Cleo likes hunny? Buzz, buzz, buzz, I wonder why she does?” (A.A.Milne) Some of you were wondering where Cleo was yesterday, whilst Ron and Percy were having a cuddle. Mum found her in one of her favourite places… Pooh’s Hunny Pot 🍯

Friends! Ron is such a kind, sweet and thoughtful Kitten. Here he is comforting Percy. I’m not sure why Percy needed a cuddle, but Ron looked after him for a long time. Take 90 seconds to sit quietly, sound on, and watch pure brotherly love in action ❤️ (full video on X / Instagram)

Chums! Baby Dog here. When I’ve been out for a Walk, all 5 of the Cats are like Groupies around me! “Where have you been?” “What have you been doing?” The Kittens want to smell my legs and tummy. It’s like being famous and having to sign autographs every time I’ve been out! (Full video on X / Insta)

Friends! Percy the Adventurer has decided it’s time to check out the Tap. He’s intrigued by it but a little nervous too. Cleo is also very interested. Ron has not so much as jumped up on the counter yet. Either he can’t or he doesn’t want to. I’m not sure which? (Full video on X / Instagram)

Friends! Usually Baby Dog and I have a Special Meal around Valentine’s Day but we can’t do that sort of thing at the moment because the Kittens steal all our food. Mum is trying hard to teach them Table Manners. So instead, we had a Game with our very own Pack of Cards. It was fun! ❤️

Friends! We had a lovely Valentine’s Day playing all together. Mum planned a few games including hiding Treats amongst the petals. It was a Special Day and we’ve made you a special snapshot of it with one of our favourite songs from The Teenage One (full video on X / Instagram)

Chums! Baby Dog here. Thank you so much for all the love for Percy yesterday. He feels truly special. And talking of LOVE… it’s Valentine’s Day! I can’t see my girlfriend Trixie today sadly, so who would like to share a dish of Pawsecco with me later? Let me know ❤️ #ValentinesDay

Friends! LOTS of you are feeling guilty that Percy received the least votes in our poll on X. Please don’t worry, it was just a bit of fun. Most of you said it was almost impossible to choose between the Kittens! The Little One decided that Percy should take centre stage today ❤️❤️❤️ #Percy

Friends! #DresserDynamics is turning into a bit of a Soap Opera in our kitchen, with Ralphy and Percy taking the leading roles and everyone else watching intently. I think they see the Dresser as their stage and everyone else is the audience… (full video on X / Instagram)

Chums! Baby Dog here. The Kittens are obsessed with my Floofy Fur, and I try not to mind them fussing with it (although I am ticklish). Ron is the one who seems to understand that what I most like it COMPANIONSHIP. He is happy to sit with me… doing Nothing (full video on X / Instagram)

Friends! I’m afraid I have some Extreme Naughtiness to report ❗️ I don’t know what got into Percy yesterday, but his behaviour was Very Naughty Indeed. You’ll be shocked when you watch this. All I can say is that I’ve had words with him… I won’t be “bopped” in my own house!

Chums! Baby Dog here. I’m not really impressed with the amount of fuss Mum’s new Dresser is getting. I suppose it’s because I can’t sit on it like the Cats can. Luckily, my mate Ron isn’t interested in it either, so I have someone to play with. It’s Sunday Funday! (Full video on X / Instagram)

Friends! It’s been Ralphy and Percy who have been consumed with investigating the new Dresser. The small white unit will soon be leaving us too, but Ralphy is hanging on to it whilst he learns to trust the Dresser. I don’t know if Ralphy appreciates Percy’s help or not! (Full video on X / Instagram)

Friends! A New-Piece-Of-Furniture has appeared! Mum says it’s her joint Birthday and Christmas Present from the January Sales. She says she loves it and is finding spaces for all our things on it. I want to claim one of the spaces for myself so I’m going to sit here for the foreseeable.

Friends! Something BIG is afoot!! Our Furniture is disappearing!! And guess who’s most upset? Ralphy! He sat in the empty corner in PROTEST for a long time… We don’t know what is going on. Mum says it’s something to do with her Christmas/Birthday present! (Full video on X / Instagram)

Chums! Baby Dog here. Guess what? I have figured out that I can reach down, grab my tie, and hold it in my mouth! How clever is that?! But Mum is looking at me quite crossly. I don’t think she’s happy. I’m trying to avoid her gaze… if I don’t look at her, she won’t see me… #BabyDog

Waking up in the middle of the night and seeing this baby cat next to me—how lucky am I to be loved by her? 💚

Friends! We are probably asked more questions about Ralphy, and whether he is ok, than anything else. Please don’t worry about him - he is absolutely fine. Still visiting us most days - especially at Meal Times, as you can see here. (Full video on xx / Instagram)

Friends! We are reduced to two Houses on Kitty Street, as Wreck-It-Cleo has demolished two. My house has become the Favourite, and Ron, who had his house knocked down, has taken possession of it, much to Cleo’s annoyance. Percy is sharing, but Cleo wants him out! (Full video on X / Instagram)

Friends! It’s Sunday, meaning it’s a day for Cuddles on the Big Bed. Cleo doesn’t nap as much as us boys and, in our House, BOYS LOVE CUDDLES. Obviously, I’m the one that everyone wants to snuggle up with. And even though they disturb me sometimes, I let them do it ❤️ (Full video on X / Instagram)

Friends! We’ve given you a taste of Wreck-It-Cleo this week. She’s quite a feisty girl - if you need more proof, here she is taking on the Washing Machine. Who will win? The song playing on the radio at the time was pretty perfect and perhaps encouraged her ‘rebel’ behaviour! 😹

Friends! As promised, here is PART 2 of Kitty Street. Buckle up - it’s a bumpy ride! Remember we told you Cleo was a Wrecking Ball??? And it seems Ron is our Cautious Cat. Perhaps he had a premonition of what would happen. He had a narrow escape! 🙀 (full video on X / Instagram)

Friends! Do you remember the Cardboard Houses that Mum bought for Ralphy and Me last year? She thought the Kittens might like to try them so she bought two more. We have a whole Street! You can see which one is meant for me! But the Kittens seemed suspicious. PART 2 tomorrow! (Full vid on X /Insta)

Friends! As you saw yesterday, I am always there, Supervising and Mentoring the Kittens. I often watch them and wonder what would have happened if we had been forced to split them up. They are just as close now as they ever were. Thank goodness they are together ❤️

Friends! Time for a Catio Update! The Kittens and I have a new Early Morning Routine! I lead the procession out of the Cat-flap and the Kittens follow in an orderly fashion. Then we sit in the dark and listen to the birds waking up. It’s very peaceful. (Full video on X / Instagram)

Friends! In order to distract the Kittens from the new Laundry Basket, Mum gave them a Box and a Gift Bow. Ron took possession of the Box immediately, which was fine until Percy and Cleo lost the Gift Bow under the sofa… after that, Ron was in trouble! (Full video on X / Instagram)