I think we have an enormous mass shooting but how could they comprehend it their children go to private schools and are protected by Secret Service, body guards etc. Not a problem for THEM.
We don't have NRA
that I'm aware of.
The long gun registation problems and issues made legitimate owners angry but who knows how many didn't purchase firearms they didn't
need. Me !
I like to not be afraid of guns and only
opening day of hunting season is the place to be
worrried about being shot.
That is probably it. That is responsibility of parents. Change to to opt-in not during class hours and I could agree. I have a carry permit and in favor of adolescent and adult training.
Not to militarize our children. What use is this unless their parents are careless with their firearms? Let’s require training for all adults who purchase them and ammunition.
Absolutely agree with the premise, but I don't feel it's right to list atheists among the groups said to be more likely to commit such acts. Just because we derive our morals from empathy and a sense of decency and kindness rather than scripture doesn't make us any more likely to commit such acts!
I hear what you're saying but I think it's more of a response to Republicans SAYING that the religious would be less likely to commit such an act, and certainly not because atheists are factually more likely.
“Although opponents of sensible gun control…continue to put the spotlight on the shooters’ motivations or unstable mental states, these are cynical diversions from the one obvious truth: The common thread…is the absurdly easy access to guns.”
that I'm aware of.
The long gun registation problems and issues made legitimate owners angry but who knows how many didn't purchase firearms they didn't
need. Me !
I like to not be afraid of guns and only
opening day of hunting season is the place to be
worrried about being shot.
“Although opponents of sensible gun control…continue to put the spotlight on the shooters’ motivations or unstable mental states, these are cynical diversions from the one obvious truth: The common thread…is the absurdly easy access to guns.”
Canada also feels the pain of your Country's lax gun laws.
Over 85% of recovered guns used in homicides in Canada come from the U.S.