Beware the Brexit reset backlash. New post on my Brexit & Beyond Blog. With the reset barely begun, the Brexiters' vicious backlash against it is gathering force. But the reset has good justification (& those dismissing it as trivial should beware):
It's funny that during the referendum, the term they used was always "parliamentary sovereignty." It dropped the first word when parliament started exercising it.
If they wanted money, the UK is poorer.
If they wanted power, the UK is less powerful and by default so are they.
If they wanted sovereignty, the UK is a rule taker.
What do they really want?
This is what Putin wants, and I am always dead against what Putin wants just because Putin wants it.
Putin doesn't want Scotland, with its oil, to join the EU.
I feel its inevitable that many books will be written.
When do we want it? Now”
James O Brien
Threaten my insulin supplies to prove a point.
I'll be sure to thank you in my will.
Whoever it was, was right then and is still right now.
I don’t want to hear any more about what ‘they’ will do
I want to see Farage on TV every day, being put to the sword the way he was on QT when his ‘boring, boring’ play to the gallery fell flat, so he can finally be seen for what he is
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#Reboot #Rejoin #BrexitDisaster #BrexitElephant
Regarding Jacob Rees-Mogg's views he can keep them to GB News and reality TV ! I'm just glad he's no longer my MP.
Against the simple sound bites of popularism.
Particularly with a biased media & against the now, Cognitive dissonance of Brexiters.
It’s a huge failing not blaming Brexit for our financial woes.
It's so depressing.