I’ve thought the same for a long time. There will need to be a civil war to restore our republic and punish the traitors. Military tribunals for all of them, death sentences carried out summarily. This cannot be allowed to go on.
They are champing at the bit to cause mayhem. Among them are Order Of Nine Angles nihilist terrorist agents who want to see the downfall of civilization.
There are 3 or more Military grade weapons in Civilian hands. In the Continental United States.
United States Census Bureau.
The Actual Military are Constitutionaly prohibited from attacking the citizens. Unless by EO from trumpie or Congress.
As my understanding.
Always open to correction.
How do you estimate proportions of MAGAtry in the military? the goal of the regime is 100% through expulsion/disincentivization of nonwhite, queer& female members but really armed forces are most integrated sector of the US population. The orange fat felon knows that minorities would be less ‘loyal’
In the past, I've started to think the only way to avoid a civil war is a 'divorce' - literally redrawing the map in some way into 2 countries, and sadly, those living in the wrong part for their beliefs may have to move (or pit up). As with divorces, I think sometimes to admit defeat and
Now I'm not sure if it's even too late for a divorce. I fear the Orange Felon Fuhrer would never allow us 'out', and I believe it's gone too far for us as a nation to ever civilly negotiate a split.
That would be the wet nightmare of every survivalist, like Red Dawn or some movie by Dinesh D’Souza. I don’t think those codgers in the Rogue River Valley and Idaho could hold out very long agaisnt NATO troops with a strict doctrine of pacification though.
And if they don’t, they will have destroyed every bit of social capital they have garnered over decades, just for being military. They have a responsibility to uphold, not just their oaths, but the glory and respect of all vets who fought before them. Anything less makes them, suckers and losers.
I agree. No one wants Violence. Especially Harm, Death of Innocent People, etc. But I'm afraid many are Correct, if Bodily Actions of Force isn't asserted we will soon be in Dark Medieval Times.
I, Agree. The Strange part of this. I'm 68 years old. My Grandfather warned me when I was 7 yrs. Old. Not to put fear in me, but keep me apprized of the Future. He spoke of this ALL that is happening. It's a little overwhelming to think over 60 years ago He knew. I was Blessed for his Forthcoming.
They knew. Smart Folks. We both were blessed. I'm not one to sit on my loins. It's Viking Battle Time. I'll die fighting. Be Safe out there. Together we shall forge forward fighting for Our Rights. F#uck Krasnov! & "All"! of his Merry Misfits of the MAGGOT Cult.
I wish I trusted that our Military would make the right decision. Unfortunately, I think any leader who was even remotely Democratic has been ousted or encouraged to RETIRE or RESIGN. We can’t trust them to do the right thing. Most are very young and impressionable. Fox News is played on most Bases.
That 60 minutes segment on the Marines Band and what Trump did to those High School kids was 💔. People need to see that. Then tell me TRUMP isn’t a RACIST! 🤬😤
Our Armed forces have a decisions to make:
Their Oath to the Constitution and Democracy.
Trump has been HORRIBLE to them.
United States Census Bureau.
The Actual Military are Constitutionaly prohibited from attacking the citizens. Unless by EO from trumpie or Congress.
As my understanding.
Always open to correction.
Look how much harm he has done so far to our Vets.
Now I'm not sure if it's even too late for a divorce. I fear the Orange Felon Fuhrer would never allow us 'out', and I believe it's gone too far for us as a nation to ever civilly negotiate a split.
Remember how many loved respected Top Brass he fired!
Clearly this Judge has not.
The hearing is at 5 PM today.
Trump's request to delay denied.
Won't route out the evil that is his admin.
We are headed for violence.
But our Military does.
Time for them to pick a side.
I'm betting he has lost their allegiance, save the brainwashed maga among them.
Trump and all his chronies.
Otherwise, if you just remove trump you get Vance, and so on.