I just checked my Social Security account and it said I will receive payment as scheduled. Call Social Security help line they have always been helpful to me. And yes, I know things have changed. Good Luck!
Since they’re sending ppl to prisons in places like Honduras, committing a crime to get housing, food & medical care is out of the question if my social security payments cease.
And the scary thing is everyone won't know until almost a month from now if they're going to come through. I'm worried about my tax return, I had planned on getting my tiny house this year, after I lost my house to a fire a few years ago and now that I'm ready to do it I'm kind of scared to
Keep this in mind. Seniors are the GOP’s bread and butter. If they attempt to withhold payments it’ll be a blood bath for Republicans. Not only do they vote for these people, they fill their coffers with billions of dollars.
I personally did not vote Trump. What I’m doing is speaking to my friends who did, who are now frightened in regards to SS payments. Calmly explaining this is what they voted for. Also the Medicare/Medicaid ramifications.
Ironically, every thumper in our circle of retired friends to whom we’ve mentioned that their Social Security is in jeopardy, all of them have said oh no, he won’t do that.
If/when it happens, they’ll find out the hard way. Nothing can change a persons mind or perception faster than someone taking THEIR money and benefits.
If you're under 70 you may need to monetize whatever skill or hobby that you have because it seems as though their first attack is going to be to increase the age of retirement and I don't know if it's going to be retroactive or not
I hear ya. I’m remaining positive. Democrats will not let it happen. Good will win over evil is my daily mantra. If Social Security goes, so goes America the Beautiful. This is NOT our America. Rise Up! #GrowtheResistance
Me too. But I’m more petrified about losing Medicare, because even if they privatize it, no one will be covered for anything but a bandaid. For 4 years my husband has had a full and active life working with multiple myeloma all because of Medicare. Lose that and he dies. Like millions of others.
I’ll only have two options left.
What will we do about it??
So was my ex.
So are all narcissists.
America is the battered wife in need of an order for protection.