I wish Zelensky had brought Oleksandr Usyk with him. I would pay a fortune to see Usyk split Vance’s nose open. It would be the best pay per view in history.
"We're going to give away half your country, take away half your minerals, leave you under constant threat of further invasion, and you should be GRATEFUL!"
I actually cannae even watch all of this. What an absolute CUNT of the highest order Trump is. Scolding Zelensky like a little boy. He should have told him to go fk himself and kicked him in his tiny mushroom 🍄
As an American I was taught not to use the C word. But in times such as this I’ve come to embrace it. Trump and his cohorts are the biggest CUNTS. I wish a word existed that was even more descriptive to how I feel about this piece of shit or shite.
Trump was brought to power by America’s most dedicated racist voters - just like every GOP president since the Civil Rights legislation of the mid-1960s. https://dearlstephens.substack.com/p/white-fright
I 💯 my agree with Felonious tRump that it’s good that the American people can see what’s going on, but not for the reasons that he thinks it’s good. It’s good because it exposes what a pieces of sh*t the felon in chief and J F’ing D are, and what an honorable man Zelensky is. 💙🙏💙
Finally showing his true, moronic self on TV. And he’s been invited here on another State Visit?? And as for Vance - doesn’t he know that the Americans conscripted thousands of mainly poor white and black guys to fight in Vietnam while his Boss and other rich lads don’t dodged the draft…..
Absolutely appalling behaviour. What is disrespectful is the US going to the negotiating table without Ukraine. The bully boys at their best … over-talking, expecting thanks, pillaging Ukraine for profit and threatening a tantrum if Ukraine doesn’t roll over. Political amateurs 💩
Very stupid. But you do understand that the Americans who are posting here in agreement with y'all are NOT the ones who were conned and voted for him, right?
Zelensky is fighting for his country's survival and Trump and Vance decide to humiliate him publicly.
No decent person can be in any doubt about the ghouls in charge if the US.
All the American people are seeing because “you kept this going for so long” is that their president and vp are the bullies in the playground! Unbelievable conversation to be played out in front of the media!
The only purpose of this staged humiliation prepared and planned by trump is to punish Ukraine for fighting and not giving up. What a moron the orange Mad House bitch is
Putin will be pissing himself laughing at this absolute shit show. The only good thing is trump has shown his true colours. I knew this would end badly. WAKE UP AMERICA!!
No. Putin *wants* a deal. A deal is about the only way out of the terrible mess Putin's invasion put him in that won't effectively make Putin look like he 'lost' even to his brainwashed home audience. Trump even managed to fuck-up what Putin asked of him.
And supposedly the American people totally voted him in! Yet, he told one of his rallies that he didn’t need them to vote! I wonder why he’s pally with the tech bros?
Trump and Vance are a total disgrace to America. Both need to be impeached. Mike Johnson needs to be jailed for being a traitor to the American people. Oh! And Musk, South Africa needs you back so good riddance
Shameful human being... He doesn't have the decency to defend anything with coherence! Real bully... I think he is much worse than Putin!! Putin is a "smart guy" with some caracter, not saying a good one but at least he has one!
My latest FREE Substack newsletter comes out Sunday. Serious politics + fun pop culture. Please take a moment to sign up. And fuck Trump. https://mdavis19881.substack.com
If the cunt ever came here, he would certainly leave knowing just how much he is hated. FWIW I doubt it will happen. More convinced than ever there is an empty space between his ears.
Because it’s your post you won’t be offended by my language, but what a revolting fucking piece of shit that idiot is! He isn’t a human being, he is a scumbag….
Trump always prides himself... Actually I could end the sentence there, but I was going to say prides himself on being a great deal-maker. Considering America already OWE all the support to Ukraine as part of the COMMITMENTS made for Ukraine's nuclear disarmament this 'deal' was a steal and Trump...
Zelensky travelled all the way to the US to make the deal, so his commitment to a terrible deal, a deal to buy what his nation was already OWED, is undeniable. He was even prepared to take the deal from people that had attacked him personally. They just had to not be cunts for 20 minutes...
This isn't just Trump screwing up the most biased, gift of a deal in the history of the fucking world. A deal he didn't deserve or earn. No, he also managed to tarnish the 'brand' of America to cost them on ALL OTHER DEALS too. World-wide except for Russia who can't buy due to sanctions...
In the entire history of the worst salesmen and deal-makers ever to exist, Trump just rocketed himself to the top of the list, publicly, in front of the entire world, and for the history books. The guy is an absolute ass-clown, with Vance as the fucking make-up artist for the clown paint.
This is a reality check for any sming the global leadership that any attempts to appease a narcissist psychopaths is a hiding to nothing.
If this were, instead, Starmer meeting Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, or Yemenis asking him to stop the military invasion by Israel, he would act the same!
And they say women would be too emotional to run a country. They’re yelling over him, all red, with arms flailing, didn’t even have the facts on when this started, ignored what was said on how Putin signed an agreement and didn’t comply, and the “thank America” bs is 🤡🤡🤡! They’re disgusting!
Russian agent CUNT
Americans , are you ok with this ?
No decent person can be in any doubt about the ghouls in charge if the US.
My latest FREE Substack newsletter comes out Sunday. Serious politics + fun pop culture. Please take a moment to sign up. And fuck Trump.
Bullying 101, show this to your kids and say “NEVER behave like this”.
If this were, instead, Starmer meeting Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, or Yemenis asking him to stop the military invasion by Israel, he would act the same!