The irony is that, in his desire to procreate with as many women as possible, the S. African basically guaranteed he'd have at least one kid on the LGBTQ+ continuum.
if he’s really autistic, he already always had a bigger chance of that happening. we autistics tend to question and explore gender a lot more than allistics do.
Read a paper yrs ago theorizing people w/ left-handedness, autism, schizophrenia, LGBTQ+, & high IQ all shared an underlying genetic trait - more symmetrical brain use - that manifested in these myriad ways. Just one more way humans are a super cool species (I'm gay, a leftie & Phi Beta Kappa).
Ambidextrous non-binary autistic w high visual spatial ability checking in. I literally do not understand why some are so enraged that there are people in this world that cannot stand the little boxes formed by the narrow boxes that society has determined is "appropriate" for gender".
They believe the world to be made up of simple categories, and feel that if someone tells them it's not that simple, that person is trying to trick them.
Absolutely. Filtering into neat categories is a definite shortcut in getting through life but I also think that embracing the complexity of who we are & well everything is infinitely more rewarding & awe inspiring. We should aim for creativity, not homogeneity.
Yeah he's still pissed about it, I'm pretty sure his transphobia is SPECIFIC and stems from this. Got so owned by his child not being his clone that he made cis a slur.
The best thing is that here she actually is the superhero Elmo so desperately has always wanted to see himself as: a young woman who is also a part of a minority standing up against the man.
And now that she's in public we can talk about what kind of parent makes laws that limit their child's life?
First of 4 kids.
Super gay.
And now that she's in public we can talk about what kind of parent makes laws that limit their child's life?