This goes out to everyone saying everything is too divided and political right now. It's not about politics. You'd have to be fast asleep to not see what's happening right now, and why is important to the world...
There's a time to stay silent and A TIME TO SPEAK!
There's a time to stay silent and A TIME TO SPEAK!
Scratch a Liberal and a Fascist bleeds...
I'm HARD Left Bruh...Liberals are the ones who sell you out because they are desperate to maintain societal norms no matter how bad they are...
I'd rather be around Activist and Anarchist who ACTUALLY do the work.
Do not ever remain silent ...
Then evil wins
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If you feel pain congratulations you're alive,
If you feel other's pain congratulations you're a human being...
I can't remember who to attribute this quote to...
a liberal says "it's not actualy fascism"
a liberal says "the only way to stop tyranny is through impassioned discussion"