Part of me is like, "This whole masculinity business is innately bad and dumb and destructive," thanks to my feminist mom, and part of me like like HOW ABOUT YOU TRY CULTIVATING ANY MASCULINITY *YOURSELF* FIRST YOU DICKLESS TWERP and tbh both feel accurate somehow.
As one of my favorite Internet commentators puts it, “Be brave enough to be kind.“
put no energy in it what so ever.
It's not that developed a process. It's a bunch of insecure dorks that want to show manliness, but wouldn't know what manliness is if it bit them in the ass.
The truly brave and powerful thing would be to redefine "masculinity" to mean having the strength to lift up other around you.
But we're here instead...
Companies already grind workers into dust for the smallest increase in profits, so they're already overly aggressive, domineering, ruthless, and cold, so many of the other elements are spoken for.
Or perhaps instead of written warnings we could get the belt.
Which is, of course, completely backwards.