You don’t left wingers get anything done. You left wingers are why we have trump in the 1st place. if you left wingers had voted for Clinton in 2016, we would never have had trump in the 1st place.
These ppl only reinforce what a POS Reagan was. This is literally the only democratic country in the world that uses this language. FFS the Founding Fathers would be considered “left wing extremists” by these 🤡.
You’re in the minority. you aren’t going to give anybody, anything. All you do is make it harder to get more Americans to vote for Democrats. You haven’t learned anything from the beatdown from the 2024 election.
Hey did you know left wingers dont vote democrat cause democrats arent left wing? Its kinda wierd that you wanna blame a group for not voting for your group when they are fundamentally opposed in their political and moral views to your group.
i was blaming both sides for extremists. Neither group represents the American electorate. Harris thought she could count on minorities and left wingers extremists to get elected. She didn’t even get 1/3 of the vote. Her extreme left wing message turned off voters.
They’re not mentally challenged. They are mentally weak. It takes a certain amount of intelligence to do all the mental gymnastics they do because they are so weak and afraid to confront the fact that they are doing wrong and have to struggle to justify evil.
Forreal tho, I know this one conservative woman who thinks viruses, themselves, are a hoax. She lives in a trailer with a buncha kids always posting about struggles, never realizing she's part of an exploited class, in a system that enslaves everyone so the worst people on Earth can have numbergoup.
Oh wait, there isn’t.
WTF are you talking about?