Trump is making perfectly irredeemable the republican party as a whole is. What needs to be rammed down everyone's throat how irredeemable evil the democratic party is. The biggest con artists of all are the liberals.Their party must go extinct. It's the only way
Tr🐷mp's divided states of AmeriCaCa🇺🇸AmeriKKKa is so fucked. I can only imagine how fearful blacks, asians, latinos, muslims, & people in the queer community must feel 🤔🫣🤬☮️🙏✔️
Trump is making perfectly irredeemable the republican party as a whole is. What needs to be rammed down everyone's throat how irredeemable evil the democratic party is. The biggest con artists of all are the liberals.Their party must go extinct. It's the only way
say about
dealing with a CRIMINAL FELON in the
acting like a KING and
destroying AMERICA 24/7
I hope, and are starting to warm up to the idea