Wake Up America
This country is being sold to a man who wants a return of the old USSR.
He’s laughing while the US leaders set this country on fire.
Illegal firings, strip voting women’s trans rights, dismantle healthcare, raid homes schools and churches, blow up the economy, denigrate minorities..
Majority of Americans expressed support for exactly the course Trump is following: to end the war quickly, even if Ukraine give us some territory to do so. Elections have consequences. Woke voters should deal with it, unless they want democracy cancelled. https://news.gallup.com/poll/654575/americans-favor-quick-end-russia-ukraine-war.aspx
This country is being sold to a man who wants a return of the old USSR.
He’s laughing while the US leaders set this country on fire.
Illegal firings, strip voting women’s trans rights, dismantle healthcare, raid homes schools and churches, blow up the economy, denigrate minorities..
Your oppression is their profession.