Conversations with the 8yo DM:
8yo DM: I want you to play a kid character… how about Puck the young wizard?
Me: OK
8yo DM: He has a cool mama that taught him magic, but his dad has to work and can’t go on adventures.
Me: He doesn’t have vacation days?
8yo DM: It’s medieval.
8yo DM: I want you to play a kid character… how about Puck the young wizard?
Me: OK
8yo DM: He has a cool mama that taught him magic, but his dad has to work and can’t go on adventures.
Me: He doesn’t have vacation days?
8yo DM: It’s medieval.
Hes a cheeky winger tiefling fighter called "puck bluelight"
We took it from Shakesperes Midsummer Nights Dream
I tried to DM my first game in Grade 4, when I was probably 10 years old.
Having a 8 year DM around is just fantastic.
My buddy in government wrote an extremely famous blog post about how everything that made him good in government he learned at the gaming table.
I would like to get my family up to the table again, those skills are mad useful across the board.
How time flies.
Puck that!
What the Puck?!?!?