I think some of them do. But I think a lot of them actually have to commit to warping their own brains to produce winning content for the griftosphere.
Hard agree. Kierkegaard would have a field day with modern, American Christendom. It has all the temporal, social, and badfaith issues of 18th century Danish Christendom he brutally criticized, with extra American nonsense.
I'm a Catholic and the American Church is just infested with Christendom.
That guilt is a byproduct of the church's teachings themselves. Guilt, shame and desperation are the fuel of religion. Going to church should be about communion with *people*. Any word on any page has already been corrupted by men & can never supercede the manifest spirituality of community.
I started (but didn’t get to finish) The Power Worshippers by Katherine Stewart and I have The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory by Tim Alberta on a later to read list but the religious right is just producing the cliffs notes version right here
I'm only a little way into the Tim Alberta book, but if nothing else it seems like a decent primer on the topic for someone with no personal experience with the world he describes
just on the extreme surface level of this, jesus very clearly did not scream in rage at everyone all day long every day? seems like an expert christian theologian would pick up on that and, uh, try to unpack that a little
The other day I was thinking to myself, "How long until his supporters start going, 'You know who else was found guilty?' and comparing him to Jesus?" Naturally, it was immediate.
I'm a Catholic and the American Church is just infested with Christendom.
Fear of what?
The fear that progressivism will dismantle structural advantages enjoyed by white, christian, straight men.
In a nutshell, that's the totality of American politics in 2024.