I did it every time. There was usually some little side quest to start or end sprinkled in between missions and little flavour conversations that helped build your reputation (I think - its been a few years)
Unless I like the character, I actually dread it. I think it's connected to my social anxiety. I like Jack and the lady that lives in a space suit. Although, that might be because I also want to live in a space suit
In ME2 there is a point in the game where you can fuck around and find out about how urgent rescuing your crew from abduction is, and if you do too many side missions/planet hops before dealing with it people will die.
100% any time you can go around and talk with your crew you should. Not everyone is going to have stuff to say but if you don’t know the triggers for progressing everyone’s stories you can miss something.
Yes. Generally that’s when they have new things to say, after the major missions. If you wait too long you can miss some stuff. But I also do it just to cool off from the gameplay
Main story missions and companion quests!
Also, you're playing Mass Effect! I look forward to some update posts then. 😀
Back at the ship. I do the side quests though.