It’s not us, it’s you. If you move to the right, you leave a space in the centre. @PaulFletcherMP should see the community independent movement is caused by the Libs abandoning liberal values, not an ‘elaborate plot by left wing political operatives’! #auspol
“You can’t handle the truth”
Is playing over in my head - as I visualise it being yelled at Fletcher 😂🤷🏼
Ol’ mate Fletch is just trying to fire some parting shots on behalf of his once proud party.
Why is he talking to Gerard Henderson's Sydney Institute, rather than the constituents of Bradfield?
#LNPLostDecade protected by #MurdochGutterMedia gave Australia #nemesis
Time to get their snouts out of the trough............
These teals are tricky, aren’t they?
Dr Ryan was an ALP member in her youth.
Maybe not every politician fits into one of two parties?
He's going to struggle at the next election 🤞
*yes, I'm aware he turns 60 next month