A lot of people are asking why a Trump administration would want to create this chaos. I wrote this in the Guardian almost 12 years ago! We are not just talking about currency exchange here ofc, but for all hedging it holds true: There is less profit in stability, than in chaos. We must grasp this.
#needforchaos #chaos #burn
And dubious sub-prime loans were an asset.
Don’t think money alone is his major motivation anymore.
And yet the saps still cheer!?!
The only way to fight them is to target singular stocks and dump them, ie Tesla. Get your pension/investments out of Tesla, boycott.
"When there's blood on the streets, buy property."
This leads to the conclusion that if there isn't any blood on the streets, then make some...
NM Rothschild allegedly said
‘the time to buy is when there’s blood on the street’s, even if it’s your own’.
And he was talking about being a contrain investor eg going against the market.
30 years after its fall, Apartheid South Africa’s offspring are now spearheading the destruction of a world order that has provided stability, security and freedoms for so many billions around the planet.