So - so I have this right - based on this article and public record - no national Dem leaders have uttered it in ~ 3 years and Latinos recoil at association with LGBTQ folks and this is … somehow …”progressives” great transgression?
They usually refer to me as "white", though I'm mixed with Mexican/native genes. Im struggling to come up with a blanket term Kamala could've called me that would make me vote for a criminal rapist toddler who refers to me as "bad hombre". Sounds like an excuse.
I’m a Dem living in a Dem bubble just outside DC and I have never heard someone say that word except in the way you’re using it (to state that fellow Dems “somewhere” must stop saying this word that they don’t actually say).
FTLOF one single person suggested that stupid word and somehow the entire Left is painted with it, EVEN FROM THE LEFT.
This is how powerful disinformation really is.
Could this be the compromise America needs? Twelve voters in this Ohio diner all agree that RFK Jr combines the unconventional medical expertise of Dr. Joseph Ladapo with the healthy eating advocacy of Michelle Obama
Thinking of every last Never Trump Republican who helped cause this mess, never said they were sorry, and got shiny new media careers pandering to liberals while also saying stuff like this and getting away with all of it because they go on TV and say “Trump Bad”.
This is how powerful disinformation really is.
Journal of Latinx Psychology
American Psychological Association (APA) › pubs › journals › lat