The good news?
There were huge protests in Sydney.
That minister didn’t last much longer.
And Sydney has reinstalled that bike-lane & many more.
“The NSW Govt has spent $5 million replacing this link in our expanding bicycle network, which is crucial…”
There were huge protests in Sydney.
That minister didn’t last much longer.
And Sydney has reinstalled that bike-lane & many more.
“The NSW Govt has spent $5 million replacing this link in our expanding bicycle network, which is crucial…”
They’ve been adding a bunch of lanes to my town and M & I are using them!
They don’t allow throttles there, so it was very much pedal or perish! Was nervous that I might not make it. Needed 2 short breaks to recharge, but the view from the top was truly worth the effort!
And still going.
They remove 7,000 cars from Sydney’s roads every day, or put another way 31.5km of traffic.
It’s critical that cities recognise bikes primarily replace cars, not transit.
Dutch lesson #1
1. Safe drivers
2. In safe vehicles
3. At safe speeds
4. On safe roads
Australia sometimes does 4
Rarely do steps 2 and 3
Never do step 1
Those are rookie numbers.
here in Tassie, I’m in Launceston, we don’t seem capable of providing safe ‘commuter’ (as opposed to a lovely ride in the country on a Sunday, not useful for everyday travel) bike lanes
despite still having many wide streets thanks to lack of development in 70s/80s