If you need ChatGpt to be able to make ttrpg stuff I'm just gonna ask you to fuck off right now
I couldn't imagine the tone deafness of out right saying "yeah I want the prestige of making a thing but I can't be fucking bothered to actually, MAKE a thing"
The whole point is creation!
Why play?
I couldn't imagine the tone deafness of out right saying "yeah I want the prestige of making a thing but I can't be fucking bothered to actually, MAKE a thing"
The whole point is creation!
Why play?
But also yeah I'd rather see hero forge sheen iantead if that ever present ai one
There is no such thing as an ethical dataset. These systems only work BECAUSE they were trained in stolen images and videos
A car could be a plane if I changed
Ai generation is unethical and destructive at its core. There is no changing that.
I'm not sorry about this, if you Want art then there are plenty of free options out there (hero forge is right there yall)
I don't care if the hat isn't quite the same style, describe it then
You are not entirled to people's labor fucks sake
As others (YT DnD crowd) have commented during (one of the many) recent WotC scandals; genAI is the antithesis to the creativity of the ttrpg community.
My 2 cents on artwork : Get goofy, look at 1st edition monster art, scribble something silly XD
Second I see ai gen it immediately turns me off anything involved. Shows that they didn't care enough to make something as well as their lack of respect to creators
Its all about theft of both people's labors but also potential to earn and survive
All ai generation is based in theft and that's it's sole purpose
A cynic might comment that creativity breeds imagination, and imagination allows for the consideration of "better"
At least then I know that a person's passion and effort went in. When I see ai gen all I know for a fact is
As a dm: nooooooope
I have a post on here about how a player in my gms other game decided they wanted to do sowmthing for us and said "oh I'm gonna gen photos of your pcs", which by the way is Hella insulting, I told them I didn't want it and they did it anyways
Ai generation has no space in ttrpgs (as an asside I did end up paying an artist to get not only my pc but the rest of my party members. Pay artists if you want something done yall. Your not entitled to artists labor fuck ai)
Yeah, zero place in all art for ai trash. Just soulless theft. Bleh.
I'm a bit sleepy deprived, my apologies
So many amazing artists, to pick soulless trash is just SO confusing
And yeah, listen to other folks boundaries/consent. About everything. People can be gross.
AI can't come up with what I come up with, and that's a fact.
The whole point is to make someone/someplace with your influences and experiences.
I want to play with a person not the stolen amalgamation of others