I love the outpouring of love for David Lynch.
I don't love how many of the people who are remembering him have stopped masking in public.
If you've stopped masking, you're why he had to choose to spend his final years isolated at home.
I don't know what to do with that anger.
I don't love how many of the people who are remembering him have stopped masking in public.
If you've stopped masking, you're why he had to choose to spend his final years isolated at home.
I don't know what to do with that anger.
Please don’t virtue signal about David Lynch and your admiration of his “empathy” if you show your face in public.
People's callousness around COVID is just a constant source of rage, even after five years.
It matters that he spent his last years alone because people couldn’t be fussed to care for DAVID FUCKING LYNCH let alone you and me.
I don't have any way to fix the anger I have at people and communities who tell me to my face that it's not important if I live or die, which is written on every unmasked face I see indoors.
It's your job, as a member of society, to care about the other people in it.
How can so many people be so manifestly bad at their jobs?
You're hitting reply all to mass emails.
You're microwaving fish in the breakroom.
You're talking over people in meetings.
You're taking full credit for the group project you didn't help on.
You're eating other folks' lunches.
And the answer is, "these kinds of asshole."
It's a harder, pettier anger, but it's real.
I keep extras in my open locker and offer them to sick coworkers 1/
*allergies, cold, asthma, someone is getting surgery, etc.
I've seen the normalization pressure when I work with groups, because, except for one really stupid lapse this summer, I mask... and sometimes someone else will quietly pull out a mask and use it.
(My stupid lapse resulted in infection, with contact of all of 5 people in plenty of space but for a long duration, no obvious symptoms. I lost about a week. It's been 5 months and I still have brain fog.)
(I mean you getting shit for masking).
Sorry that's happening.
Preventative public health measures have (unfortunately) never been one of these things.
But sometimes it fucking sucks. I get overheated easily (side effect of medications)...
I'm lucky in one respect to be able to work in solitude. There's no way I could do a public-facing job.
To say nothing of the social consequences.
As far as physical discomfort, I share your issues with overheating - add to that, a wet/sweaty mask/
The research was relatively new (2017) I already had Hashimoto's , asthma and numerous allergies - including an egg allergy that started when I was in college but read as an intolerance..until it not longer did - now it's anaphylaxis
Now, we are getting more research that allergies are autoimmune conditions - just a different type of one - and
Hashimoto's I was probably born with being Assigned Female at Birth (AFAB), that and my mother has an autoimmune condition that manifest as Hashimoto's in genetic lines.
But either way - my point is -
Hashimoto's is one.
I got Covid and now have another that's added to that risk - POTS.
I got an endoscopy..the anesthesia team made fun of me - and then as they put me to sleep joked
I had just gotten over a very minor flu (sore throat only), but after Covid - my ears were ringing - I was dizzy - my heart rate was spiking.
I hoped it was temporary - it was not.
I'm only lucky because of my risk, that it was caught early. So many don't get diagnosed until