It’s just weird to argue the meaning of a word that more or less exists in the surface lexicon of every casual english speaker in this country.
How many gazillion gazillion examples should i provide showing gradations of “ban” exist before you surrender this hill?
How many gazillion gazillion examples should i provide showing gradations of “ban” exist before you surrender this hill?
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*They* censor free expression
*We* mitigate national security risks inherent in foreign-owned applications
But don’t worry, it’s not what you think.
Gotta tell ya the last 4 weeks have been surreal… and not “Dali-like”, but rather “accidental-ayahuasca-journey-with-Kafka-as-my-Virgil-like”.
Quite the time to be a journalist, friend.
Keep doing yeoman’s work, lord knows we are going to need it.
Here, if you "ban" TikTok, everybody who currently subscribes to it (has the app) can keep using it, it's just that they can't get new users/send updates to users.
These two uses of "ban" are not the same.
Instead, they're turning everything off voluntarily. Or they're saying they will. But ok, a "ban".