📌I want to be crystal clear here: Every one of these Democrats who had the audacity to vote to censure Al Green for having the courage to stand up to the vile, America-attacking fascist who is ripping OUR benefits away CAN KISS MY ASS.
You are on notice.
You are on notice.
What if we changed how representation works?
With directed representation, we’d have direct control over the decisions that affect our lives. Let’s stop waiting and start building a better system. Join us: https://directedrep.org
Your chivalry is going to destroy all of us.
Fucking traitors
We need to be united in defiance in times like these, yet we've got cowards amongst the party.
The Dem side knew he was going to do it and the result wasn't unexpected. I applaud his audacity. We need a shit-ton MORE of it!
It’s a betrayal and personal!
These types of actions is what make the base lose faith in them!
They speak of decorum as our democracy slips away. They are nothing but a bunch of cowards.
Vote Them All Out!
FFS morons!
Constituents forget; trump doesn't.
Remove money from politics—ban corporate PAC donations and limit individual contributions to presidential, Senate, and congressional candidates to a maximum of $100,000.
Impose a term limit of 3 terms for Senators.
Impose a term limit of 5 terms for members of Congress
They are such limp ducks.
#PA deserves better. She can't handle confrontation. The take-down would be easy.
I regret it now.
I wasted my money on the “Kiss the Ring” democrats.
They are despicable
We don’t need vichy dems stabbing their colleagues in the back!
You should be making good trouble instead of giving this administration credibility!!
Color me 🥵🥵🥵
They have aligned themselves with and to the evil within. A bit like America now aligned with Russia. It's best to make informed decisions. They aren't on your side if you want democracy as you knew it.
But they want us to continue to sit down and StFU?
First Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema and now these whoever’s.
And the senators that voted to confirm Rubio.
Pandering to the constituents or just “offended” that knee-grow had the nerve to speak up?
Whatever the reason they show no cohesion .
"Nobody cares about NICE anymore!
I smell racism.