How can one man & his unelected lackeys have so much power in a “democratic republic?” Your founding fathers must be spinning in their graves. Political appointees instead of elected individuals in cabinet positions is extremely DANGEROUS!
It drives me nuts the word “deport”. They are not being “deported”. They are NOT being sent back to the countries they are from, (or deported) they are being sent to different new countries without any due process
He’s taking a page out of Pinochet’s book make them disappear! I never thought I’d hear myself say this about the USA! Your government is out of control and it scares me to know you’re only a 80 miles away !!
I'm sure he's getting some kind of kick back for providing tax payer $ to house these people in private prisons in El Salvador. Give it time. He's probably providing gvt contracts 2 companies that will build similar for profit prisons all over the US. Need some place 2 put US citizens that resist.
it’s called “disappearing” people ask the Argentines, and central Americans all about it heck CIA trained Central Americans on these activities at the Georgia School of the americas
Remember that Nazi Germany’s first “final solution” was to send all the Jewish people to Madagascar. Then they visited the Jim Crow South and adopted that into the Nuremberg Laws.
Yes! He understands genocide "looks bad" yet he has long-term plans to do it here. For now, for appearances sake, he's shipping them offshore for that.
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
trump showed his allengence in Hilsinski and that was/is not to the USA!
And keep saying it. Together.
who they are,…
They could easily
be USA Citizens