At least two I looked at were flagged because part of their grant proposal included that the work would be shared through the university's inclusion programs.
Not that it would fund it, just that they'd have the researchers present it to new mathematicians as is common in all academia.
NSF grant proposals have a mandatory section for "broader impacts." Probably a number of these suggested outreach to underrepresented communities in one way or another.
Can't investigate sexual dimorphism anymore. Because of anti-woke: "investigating fitness trade-offs in a southern ocean predator, the leopard seal -part 1: non-technical summary trait differences between males and females are widespread across the animal kingdom."
A few of these appear to have been flagged because they are about neural network "biases." As in, the numbers that you add to the output in each layer...
I wonder if this will help the US stay competitive in AI
Yah. What they are saying is nothing more than codified bigotry. And they should be forced to explain it. Admit it. Say it out loud instead of trying to hide behind the code.
man I was ready to lol and then I saw that there were taken down by boilerplate passages related to inclusion that they authors themselves probably didn't even really take very seriously and damn this is all so terrible all the way down.
Don't even ask how I'm supposed to Admin about my daily business when I can't talk about or document security best practices pertaining to Privileged Access accounts because...they're Privileged
Not that it would fund it, just that they'd have the researchers present it to new mathematicians as is common in all academia.
this is much worse than "lol silly keyword search"
I wonder if this will help the US stay competitive in AI