Me either sweetie. As if having "many fine people" in the white house wasn't enough. I'll try too prop you up if you'll do the same for me. We need each other, now more than ever. 💕 Tootles... Wade
Please, please, please, PLEASE tell me you are going to do a musk episode?!? Because he is the weirdest littlest guy. (Also don't spare the corpses for the episode if you can help it, thanks in advance if that was your plan, if it wasn't, that's fine too)
a south african billionaire sieg heil'ing in front of the presidential seal on martin luther king jr day. what strange new horrors we have to ponder! a mad lib of blasphemies and indignities.
John Carpenter getting halfway through that first sentence for the backstory of the next Escape From movie before crumpling it up and throwing it in the bin for being too implausible
It’s already providing a distraction from the fact Trump’s inauguration speech can be boiled down to “Remember when I said I’d never even heard of Project 2025 or the Heritage Foundation? I lied, we’re totally gonna do all that stuff.”
but history will judge them very harshly so lets just wait until the next election to give them a proper what for by voting in more spineless centrists to perform bipartisanship that’ll show em
Clear to see who skipped sex ed classes...