Three things that make the U.S. the envy of the world:
1) Professionalized military with strong norm of civilian control
2) Higher education and cutting-edge scientific research
3) Ability to welcome immigrants and attract the “best and the brightest”
All three are under threat.
1) Professionalized military with strong norm of civilian control
2) Higher education and cutting-edge scientific research
3) Ability to welcome immigrants and attract the “best and the brightest”
All three are under threat.
See this is why you have no friends.
Most students work only in the summer to get work experience and some extra money.
But it's much more primal than that. And it's rearing its ugly head again. And everything's at stake. You'll see soon.
Plus all the other stuff like a health system that farms citizens.
The current crisis is highlighting how far behind an ideal of progress the US has been. I hope the crisis passes and the people demand better.
I love it that I dont need a gun.
2. I don’t believe science.
3. Illegal aliens are evil.
What 50% also believe.
A military beholden to politics, a gutted research ecosystem, and a closed door to talent … each erosion is a choice, not fate.
Greatness isn’t self-sustaining; it requires upkeep!!
- Pretty teeth
- Childlike enthusiasm
- Big cars
Russia: Military suicide.
CCP: Economic suicide.
USA: Political suicide.
(We all have a bright future)
KGB Code name: Краснов (Krasnov)
Though did 'norm of civilian control' of 1 ever exist?
How much propaganda koolaid did you drink before you wrote that?
Even with the desired twist at the bottom, it does not ring true.
Some other, smarter country is going to replace the US leading the world. Because 23% of our people think everyone else is a waste of time and money.
Citizens dying with massive medical debts, states with 6th grade adult literacy, poor diets. Elector suppression, death penalties. A population that voted in a warmongering Russian puppet
We aren’t. We weren’t. You’re delusional.
What is happening to you now is what the rest of us have been predicting for decades.
Coffee first then post.
1. you put your family in debt with a medical accident
2. or with a quality education
3. things for everyone are disgusting and inferior (toilets, public transportation)
4. food can poison you
5. conflict of interest is legal
6. need bulletproof school backpacks
Such a remarkable asset squandered because some nativists are afraid of competing.