Can random people kindly stop giving dietary advice to people with cancer, complex chronic illness, disability, etc.? You are not the heroes you think you are. If anything, you touch on moralism about illness and on ableism.
Vulnerable people have enough to worry about without adding extra concerns.
Vulnerable people have enough to worry about without adding extra concerns.
The ethical approach is to assure the sufferer they did not cause their illness.
Grifters exploit this guilt and self-blaming ruthlessly.
Fun non-ableist tweting about food fact .. in the pre-algorithm twutter days, sugary beverage corpos had to create bots to counter us crazy people tweeting that HFCS is a dangerous killer. 😀
I have literally tried everything.
Everything. I need medical intervention not crystals.
I still get supplements sent to me by people who are well-intended, but very reluctant to understand that chronic illness is like that because there is no cure and also too idle to read and understand what said illness is about. Many supplements are problematic in chronic illness.
Who among us does not enjoy dunking on snake oil salesmen?
(Granted I'm a wee bit sick that way.)
Ableism is rife. And ableism, moralism about illness and wellness grifting are suffocating us these days.