Alright. I gotta say it.
I enjoyed Daima well enough, but the writing is *really* struggling. It's got so much charm, I like its characters, its ideas are interesting, the production values are terrific, but the glacial pacing and meandering, oft-repetitive story beats are hurting it.
I enjoyed Daima well enough, but the writing is *really* struggling. It's got so much charm, I like its characters, its ideas are interesting, the production values are terrific, but the glacial pacing and meandering, oft-repetitive story beats are hurting it.
But while we're getting some of the first? Our "exploration of the world" has largely consisted of expository dialogue first, then simple - if we'll animated - examples after the fact, if that.
And this last episode is extremely frustrating. The dragon ball getting stolen provides a fun action scene, but it doesn't advance the plot *at all*. Neither does Vegeta and crew with their plane plot.
And don't get me started on how clumsy and awkward the whole plot of getting them to the Demon Realm was.
The amount of vehicle hopping they've had to do is ridiculous. And it doesn't even feel like it's being played as a joke.
It all feels like a first draft. So many of these ideas needed to be consolidated and streamlined.
"Oh, their plane gets stolen!"
"Ooo, so they find an alternate way to travel!"
"And then, they find a new plane! And it breaks down IMMEDIATELY."
"Oh. Uh. Okay. But then--"
"Then they get ANOTHER plane."
"... but then VEGETA'S ship breaks down!"
"Panzy's friend picks them up! Which is something that was always going to happen!"
"... so why did we spend any time with Bulma getting that ship ready if it was never going to--"
They really need to let audiences learn things in the moment. Imagine if we'd learned about the new Majin Buu alongside Goku and co.
I wouldn't mind so much, but there usually aren't any secondary stories or characters to attach to. No Master Carrot, if you will. I want some actual stories.
I just wasn’t compelled to
Plus, other shows are holding my interest such as the new Ranma
I get it's Toriyama's last project. But that doesn't excuse the awful pacing.
I'm reminded of Sandland. That shit was economical as hell with its storytelling. Simple, to the point, and effective in what it was trying to do.
But here, this adventure keeps feeling like it's being stretched out. And not even *on purpose.*
like, from what I've seen so far (im not caught up), it feels to me like a "they really needed to stretch this over a longer runtime to have the pacing feel right"
This feels like a very simple story that's being *dragged the hell out.*