I loved watching him win the World Series with the Blue Jays. He was a true force of nature. The threat of him stealing a base took so many pitchers off their game.
you sure picked the best 2 ever on your first try. As standalone iconic performers and alone in their own class and genre human beings and men. This one’s gonna hurt forever. Just like T Gwynn the nicest guy on earth still
even though he’s not on it up in heaven.
Oh, and geez. Willie gone, too. That’s the hit king, the steals king and arguably the greatest player in baseball history gone in the same year. Too much!
I saw it last night and thought it was a prank, big Fan of Rickey!!! Well balanced player with emence skills and great speed, every thing a great player should have. I am shocked he went so young.
God bless this great man
He was a bit odd but still very nice.
I'll always remember that meeting in a fond way.
RIP Man of Steal
I was entering and was to escort them to the visitors clubhouse
he shook my hand and thanked me
it was a time before autograph hounds and selfies
it was enough to know it happened
Rickey was a legend!
RIP Hall of Famer, RIP
Ricky was awesome. Ricky was a winner.
even though he’s not on it up in heaven.
Rickey throwing kisses to the fans is a memory I'll cherish forever.
Too soon? Yikes.
RIP Rickey.
God bless this great man
Might as well send it straight into the toilet.
Rickey Henderson was a better baseball player than Scott Rolen.
The greatest larcenist to ever roam the basebaths. Just an incredible mix of power and speed
he was a force of nature until the end