And since someone said their doctor wouldn't do a Tdap under 10 years: go to CVS and tell them "I was outside picking up some trash in the yard a few days ago and I jammed a nail in my thumb, it healed right up but someone said I should get a Tdap shot since I don't remember how long it's been?"
Reposted from
The r0 for pertussis is around 14, and the Tdap booster drops below 50% vaccine efficacy at 4.5 years. If it's been more than 4-5 years since your last Tdap booster, get one of those too. Get them now while they are still available.
It was also true, but they didn't even check just immediate movement.
I cut myself w/ a kitchen knife Oct '23, video urgent care doc asked "how long has it been since your last booster?", I go "uhhh" 🤔, she immediately was like "yeah ok we're gonna ask you to come in for a Tdap" 😆
I don't interact regularly with kids, this doctor knows that
Might as well get something useful out of diabetes.
So, if they're fading away and you need a boost they show as below a certain level.
Unfortunately this service doesn't come with my quarterly blood donations, I just know by process of deduction that I must not have about 10 particular bloodborne diseases.
So in 2021 I went agitating again.