Oh no. Oh no, someone forgot the negation somewhere. Oh dear.
Reposted from
Jason Koebler
*cw violence*
New: An "error" suddenly turned people's Reels feeds into neverending scrolls of murder, death, animal abuse, and violence.
Truly horrifying stuff, one of the worst things I've seen happen to random consumers of the internet.
New: An "error" suddenly turned people's Reels feeds into neverending scrolls of murder, death, animal abuse, and violence.
Truly horrifying stuff, one of the worst things I've seen happen to random consumers of the internet.
this comment made me howl
This causes me great pain
like... what? they didn't stop clicking through the filter thingy or just close the app after the first one or two?
People mystify me sometimes, honestly they do!
I only use Facebook messenger to chat/video chat with close friends/family.
But shouldn’t testing have caught this?
Can you imagine the video equivalent of EICAR?
Another option is multiple hierarchical or parallel filters