I know this is the most obvious thing but it’s not that rightwing people have bad views, it’s that they have *no* views other than accumulating power. They just lie! They just pretend to care about free speech or veterans or Christianity or parental involvement in school, they just make shit up!
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Can’t wait for all the free speech people complaining about the stifling safe space atmosphere of colleges for the last 10 years to say absolutely fucking nothing 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Almost as if those weren't completely sincere demonstrations...
They spoke politically convenient words to generate a desired effect.
"a type of trolling or harassment that consists of pursuing people with relentless requests for evidence"
"I'm just trying to have a debate"
Empathy is being increasingly advertised as a negative thing, which doesn't help.
They ARE hypocrites.
But in their value system, *that's positive*.
It is a simple, naked demonstration of power. It is showing that they aren't bound by the rules they place on others, and reinforces that they, being unbound, are the stronger one.
Everything else is a distant second at best, and most often just a fig leaf --
Because for many of them, *power is the only principle they can even conceive of*
It is why they shriek about virtue signaling, whenever someone forsakes power for principle.
Because to them, power is the ONLY principle, so it must be some sort of trick to try and get MORE power
Seen through this lens, everything they've done the past several decades makes perfect sense.
ESPECIALLY the hypocrisy.
Because, to such people? Hypocrisy isnt a flaw. It's a flex. It's laudable! It is a naked demonstration of your own power, that you are not bound by the rules you place on others.